The Capuchin camp is reborn – Teramo

The Capuchin camp is reborn – Teramo
The Capuchin camp is reborn – Teramo

MONTORIO AL VOMANO. To young people, the future of Montorio, and the importance of social spaces, but also to the generations of Montorio residents who have spent entire afternoons on the Capuchin field from which you can see the entire hill, the oldest part of the village, and to the old glories of the historic football team, Dinamo Montorio, which in the 1930s reached Serie C on that field: everyone, the mayor Fabio Loudspeaker dedicated the inauguration of the new Capuchin park, formerly the Capuchin field, a symbol of the country. The redevelopment work, after years of abandonment, has maintained the sporting vocation of the site with an organic grass five-a-side football pitch and a latest generation basketball playground. A dog area, a refreshment point and a garden with benches and lots of greenery were also created: in the 6 thousand square meter area, 44 new tall trees were planted, 12 fruit trees, 210 flower bushes for an amount of 725 thousand euros of combined funds from the Pnrr, the National Recovery and Resistance Plan, and from the FSC, the regional cohesion funds. The ribbon cutting was done by the young players of Montorio football in the presence of Altitonante and his administration, the former mayors Ugo Nori e Dino De Dominicisof some mayors of Teramo, of the principal of the Ic Montorio-Crognaleto Marianna Lostagnarowith the blessing of Don Elio. The moment in which the mayor remembered and rewarded the old glories of Dinamo Montorio and the families of those who are no longer with us with personalized t-shirts was exciting.
«This camp represented a place of socialization and fun for many generations and now it comes back to life», said Altitonante, «I myself used to come here with the scouts. It is important to recreate meeting spaces for young people to support them in growing and creating healthy friendships, within an increasingly complex society where youth hardship increasingly leads to dramatic events such as that of Pescara. I am proud because today’s inauguration is the third dedicated to children carried out by this administration: we remember the playground in Largo Runcini and, last week, the playground at the Bivio di Collevecchio”. And, looking to the future, he concluded: «The change that we announced when we took office is taking place, but I remind young people to have respect for these structures and be educated when using them».
Adele Di Feliciantonio

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