Meeting with the Campiello finalists – Teramo

Meeting with the Campiello finalists – Teramo
Meeting with the Campiello finalists – Teramo

TERAMO. The Abruzzo stage of the 62nd Campiello prize which took place on Thursday in Teramo in Piazza Sant’Anna was an evening full of culture and literature. It was organized by the Bruno Ballone Foundation, by the Il Campiello Foundation in collaboration with the City of Teramo and conducted by the journalist Monica Pelliccione. On stage, four of the five finalist authors of the 2024 Campiello prize: Anthony Franchini with “The fire you carry inside you” (Marsilio), Federica Manzon with “Alma” (Giangiacomo Feltrinelli), Vanni Santoni with “It’s spreading everywhere” (Laterza), Emanuele Trevi with “La casa del Mago” (Ponte alle Grazie). Absent due to personal commitments, Michele Mari with “Locus Desperatus” (Giulio Einaudi publisher). He was remembered during the evening Bruno Ballone, to whom the Foundation of the same name is dedicated, passed away at the age of 33. «It is an honor for us to have brought a stage of the Campiello prize to Abruzzo, for the third time», the words of Augustine Ballone, president of the Ballone Foundation, «one of the strands that animate the foundation’s work is cultural: we are certain that, thanks to the collaboration with the Il Campiello foundation, this will become a fixed event over time». The Il Campiello prize was represented by Eugenio Calearo. The next meeting with the five finalists is scheduled for Wednesday when the writers will be in Milan, at 6.30 pm, at Palazzo Assolombarda.

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