«It’s the beach of dreams»

«It’s the beach of dreams»
«It’s the beach of dreams»

The blue chairs of the municipal beach reopened yesterday, donated by Paolo Sorrentino, they are the prologue of a near future to be fully experienced and represented Baths.

After the 1.2 billion funds and the news – given yesterday by Il Mattino – of the first construction site of the Environmental Technology Center which will start by mid-July, here is another important step for the urban redevelopment of the western area: starting from next summer, if no critical issues arise with respect to the current scenario, the sea of ​​the Phlegraean area of Naples will be swimmable.

We are talking about a very complex job, on which the efforts of the extraordinary commissioner for reclamation and regeneration, the mayor, are concentrating Gaetano Manfrediand its sub-commissioner structure. A job, as explained by the same commissioner structure and by the Sea Department of Palazzo San Giacomo, which «will lead to the recovery of bathing, which is the primary objective of the recovery of Bagnoli». A turning point for Bagnoli and for the relationship between Naples and its sea. Moving towards Posillipo, a proposal then arrives from the managers of the beaches near Palazzo Donn’Anna: «If the Municipality intends to extend the project to October, we will be there».


Given the premises, in short, this could be the last summer of chaos on the “other seafront of Naples”. Between Coroglio and Bagnoli, these days – as in all the summers of recent decades – we experience the contradiction between the absence of bathing facilities and the large number of bathers, umbrellas and deckchairs. Families, children, elderly people: thousands of dives per hour, even if it couldn’t be possible on paper. The recovery of the beach, at least for “heliotherapy”, is already official, and moves precisely in the direction of the disappearance of the contradictions between prohibitions and facts. Not surprisingly, on the first day of reopening for the 2nd024 of the municipal beach Marina di Bagnoli, yesterday, the chairs were practically all occupied. Everything free, tidy and clean. No match, at least for now, in beach volleyball court. The field, together with the equipment for beach bowls and beach rugby, was donated in 1923 by the Giffas association.

The future

But the real turning point for the neighborhood will come, barring any problems, next summer, when some areas of the Bagno sea will return to official bathing. This, at least, is the intention of Commissioner Manfredi and the municipal councilor Sea of ​​Cosenza: «We have managed to open new free beaches in the East, West and in the center – is the reasoning of the department – The water is clean in Bagnoli, the problem perhaps concerns the seabed. We are imagining solutions for bathing next year. It will depend on the reclamation of the marine soil. In the East, however, we are proceeding with purification and the bathing potential of Pietrarsa already this year is a great result.” There is no shortage of space on the Phlegraean seafront, and in this sense the possibility of bathing here would constitute a big step for the neighborhood, in terms of economic implications. And for the community, given that the relationship between Neapolitans and the sea that bathes the city would be enriched with water that has been missing for decades. Another decisive and “priority” step towards the regeneration of the sea a West of Naples which, as far as beauty is concerned, has little to envy. At any cost.


We go up Coroglio and arrive at Posillipo. In particular, on the beach of Monache and those near Palazzo Donn’Anna. Here, as is known, there is an obligation to book online, with the app which, after an update compared to ’23, frees up “live” seats: «Live booking has increased by 50% users – explains Morra, who together with Bagno Ideal and Sirena manages access to the beaches – In practice, many arrive in the afternoon, when other bathers have left. On weekends there is often overbooking. Last year, without the possibility of reassigning the reservation of those who did not show up, there were 54 thousand bathers between Monache and Palazzo Donn’Anna. This year, however, we will probably exceed 80 thousand. So far there have been about 20 thousand. The reservation system will last until September 30. If the Municipality wanted to extend it to October, we would be here”. It is worth remembering that there are 25 accesses available from Bagno Elena, 25 from Bagno Ideal 450 from Bagno Sirena, adjacent to the Monache beach.

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