Earthquake 2016, Umbrian technicians’ proposals accepted to speed up reconstruction

Earthquake 2016, Umbrian technicians’ proposals accepted to speed up reconstruction
Earthquake 2016, Umbrian technicians’ proposals accepted to speed up reconstruction

President Tesei presented them to the other Regions and to the extraordinary commissioner. “A specific amendment will be developed with the help of a dedicated technical table”

Perugia, 289 June 2024 – To make the reconstruction work more efficient and rapid, relating to private buildings damaged by the 2016 seismic crisis, the Network of Technical Professions of Umbria has put forward proposals to the President of the Umbria Region, Donatella Tesei. Proposals that were accepted and presented by Tesei itself to the other Regions affected by the reconstruction and to the extraordinary commissioner for the reconstruction of Central Italy, Guido Castelli.

“From what we have been told – the network informs us – the proposal has been positively received and a specific amendment will be developed with the help of a dedicated technical table”. In detail, the Network of technical professions of Umbria, through its Earthquake and reconstruction commission, made up of sector experts from the orders and colleges belonging to the Network itself, promoted a meeting with the president of the Umbria Region, Donatella Tesei .

The meeting took place in Perugia at Palazzo Donini and was attended, in addition to President Tesei, by the director of the Umbria Special Reconstruction Office, Stefano Nodessi Proietti and, for the Umbria Technical Professions Network, the coordinator Livio Farina and the members of the Earthquake Commission, Moreno Marziani (commission coordinator), Roberto Baliani, Fabio Fabiani, Massimiliano Galli, Riccardo Ricci, Marco Sperandei and Domenico Vincenti.

The topics exposed concerned technical and procedural aspects for the reconstruction of private buildings damaged by the 2016 seismic crisis also in light of recent regulatory updates. In particular, the Network of Technical Professions has proposed to make the reporting times of the works for each financed intervention carried out through the 2016 earthquake contribution consistent and, in the case of assumptions, with the application of the superbonus and ordinary bonuses (for damaged production activities from the earthquake), still operational for reconstruction practices.

“This – the technicians explained – would mean standardizing the terms of completion of the works and those of disbursement of tax benefits, always within the maximum spending limit already established by law, without the need for further financing. The above for more effective reporting, a more logical operational management of the construction sites and for the speeding up of the works”.

Difficulties were also highlighted in procedures activated by banks for granting credit lines to businesses. In relation to these aspects, President Tesei has already taken action in the control room, in the meeting held on 26 June, bringing the technicians’ request to the attention of the presidents of the other Regions affected by the reconstruction and of the commissioner for the reconstruction of the Center Italy, Guido Castelli. And, as announced by the technicians themselves, “the proposal was positively received and a specific amendment will be developed with the help of a dedicated technical table”.

Other issues addressed between the Presidency of the Region and the Network of Technical Professions concerned excessive bureaucracy in the authorization procedures related to reconstruction practices (urban planning, landscape constraints, interference with networks and public roads, reconstruction plans, presence of red zones, etc.), the programming and coordination of interventions, the application of increased coefficients for cultural and landscape assets even in the case of variations during the works and the definition of the degree of complexity in the calculation of the fees of professionals.

“We thank the president Donatella Tesei – concludes the Network – for having immediately taken action and for having successfully brought our requests to the attention of the control room and of commissioner Guido Castelli


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