Maestrod’olio 2024 at Extra Lucca Summer Edition – Olive and Oil

Maestrod’olio 2024 at Extra Lucca Summer Edition – Olive and Oil
Maestrod’olio 2024 at Extra Lucca Summer Edition – Olive and Oil

385 labels from 163 companies present in the competition dedicated to the best Extra Virgin Olive Oils of the new olive growing campaign, curated by Fausto Borella

The Academy Meastrod’olio, founded by Fausto Borellafood and wine critic and professional sommelier, for over 20 years, promotes Italian artisanal extra virgin olive oil through the organization of events, specialized courses dedicated to the public, industry professionals and all enthusiasts. This too 2024 edition of the Maestrod’olio competition now in its tenth year, celebrated national olive production with a review of the best productions.

The numbers of the 2024 edition

In the new edition of 163 companies have been included in the guide which they brought in tasting of 385 samples. The selected oils represent a journey between over 500 Italian cultivars with all their typical aromas and scents of each region from the north to the islands.

A careful selection, with every single label tasted and described and with the awarded evos That they rightfully become part of the Maestrod’olio Selection. Not just a showcase of the best extra virgin olive oil, but a collection of stories of passion, hard work and a lot of dedication to get to know the faces that make Italian extra virgin olive oil a product of excellence.

The awards ceremony at ExtraLucca Summer Edition

The awards ceremony will take place on July 8th in Lucca at the Antico Caffè delle Mura.

The event will be organized as part of ExtraLucca Summer Edition 2024. The event that, from July 1st to August 3rd, will enliven the evocative spaces of the Loggiato Pretorio in Piazza San Michele in Lucca. Now in its tenth edition, Extralucca confirms itself as a unique opportunity to celebrate excellent Italian EVO oils and will see the participation of 25 companies from 14 Italian regions and 10 great wineries of the peninsula.

«With great pride – underlines Fausto Borella, President of the Accademia Maestrod’Olio – I would like to highlight not only the award-winning companies, but all those that with great merit have entered this edition. The Competition aims to be a point of reference for all enthusiasts and connoisseursas well as for all the newbies eager to learn more about the magnificent world of extra virgin. Even and especially at this time there is a need to support Italian oil, artisanal and quality».

Fausto Borella and Sheikh Saʿūd bin Ṣaqr al-Qāsimī

Initiatives for the future

And on the front of helping companies, the Academy is committed to supporting many of the most important olive growing companies on the Peninsula and beyond, carrying out agronomic and marketing consultancy in Italy and abroad, to support producers.

In fact, the professional consultancy continues for the Royal Family of Ras Al Khaimah, in the United Arab Emirates, where Sheikh Saʿūd bin Ṣaqr al-Qāsimī has entrusted Borella and his team with the task of following the production of approximately 3,000 olive trees and the entire agricultural production of the country.

All the winners

The “Corone Maestrod’olio”

They have been awarded 45 companies with the Corone Maestrod’olio recognition, for the quality of their extra virgin olive oilsThe most represented regions are Tuscany with 10 awarded companies, followed by Sicily and Umbria, with 6 awards each, Calabria and Puglia tied with 5 crowned companies, followed by Campania and Sardinia.

  • Marina Palusci (Abruzzo)
  • Thomas Masciantonio (Abruzzo)
  • Garzo Sisters (Calabria)
  • Renzo Brothers (Calabria)
  • Dinando Tradition and Innovation (Calabria)
  • Torch (Calabria)
  • Olearia San Giorgio (Calabria)
  • Ambrosio (Campania)
  • Roman oil mill (Campania)
  • Torretta Oil Mill (Campania)
  • Paola Orsini (Lazio)
  • Alfredo Cetrone (Lazio)
  • SilviSabinaFlavours (Lazio)
  • Gregori olives (Marche)
  • Marina Colonna (Molise)
  • Lamantea (Apulia)
  • Maselli (Puglia)
  • Galantino (Puglia)
  • Cultivated Love (Puglia)
  • De Carlo Oil (Puglia)
  • Il Giglio Farmhouse (Sardinia)
  • Agricola Rovelli (Sardinia)
  • Olive Oil Academy (Sardinia)
  • Masoni Becciu (Sardinia)
  • Evo Sicily (Sicilia)
  • Agrestis (Sicily)
  • Sikulus (Sicilia)
  • Sciabacco (Sicily)
  • Cutrera oil mills (Sicily)
  • Fief Disisa (Sicily)
  • Pruneti (Tuscany)
  • Leo Verde Tenuta di Montelattaia (Tuscany)
  • Ricavo Farm (Tuscany)
  • Fèlsina (Tuscany)
  • Fubbiano (Tuscany)
  • The Borro (Tuscany)
  • Frescobaldi (Tuscany)
  • L’altro Sapore (Tuscany)
  • Scovaventi (Tuscany)
  • Querciamatta (Tuscany)
  • Ciarletti oil mill (Umbria)
  • Tenths (Umbria)
  • Marfuga (Umbria)
  • Filippi Oil Mill (Umbria)
  • CM Centumbrie (Umbria)
  • Agraria Mannelli (Umbria)

The “Maestrod’olio Gems

I am instead 20 Maestrod’olio Gems assigned by the guide which sees Tuscany in the lead with 8 companies, followed by Puglia and Umbria with 3, Marche with 2, followed by Abruzzo, Calabria, Campania, Molise and Sicily with one representative company.

  • Le Prunaie Terre di Varano (Abruzzo)
  • Tenute Cristiano (Calabria)
  • Cameroon (Lazio)
  • The Hill of the Fairies (Marche)
  • Ferretti Agricola (Marche)
  • Zappacosta Farms (Molise)
  • Pozzoserpi (Puglia)
  • Agricola De Cesare (Puglia)
  • Tenuta Esse (Puglia)
  • Trebbio (Tuscany)
  • Matrix (Toscana)
  • Marini (Tuscany)
  • Bellandi (Tuscany)
  • Podere la Costa (Tuscany)
  • The Cavallino (Tuscany)
  • Bove Oil (Tuscany)
  • Tramonte Estate (Tuscany)
  • Pozzuolese Oil Mill Cooperative (Umbria)
  • Old Perugia (Umbria)
  • Mitera (Umbria)
  • Pietro Matarazzo company (Campania)
  • Rodyum Company (Campania)
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