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Itrec, External nuclear emergency plan: observations from No Scorie and Med No Triv

Itrec, External nuclear emergency plan: observations from No Scorie and Med No Triv
Itrec, External nuclear emergency plan: observations from No Scorie and Med No Triv

For decades we have been urging the institutions at the various transparency tables on nuclear power so that our territory too would be equipped with a plan for the protection of the population, the environment and local economies.

The associations Noscorie Trisaia and Mediterraneo No triv have submitted observations regarding the Consultation pursuant to Article 3 of Decree 29 September 2016 n. 200 of the Minister of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea at the Prefecture of Matera and for information to the municipalities of Rotondella, Nova Siri and Policoro on the external nuclear emergency plan relating to the Itrec plant.

“For decades now – the associations explain in a note – we have urged the institutions at the various transparency tables on nuclear power so that our territory, like many other sites and communities, would be equipped with an external emergency plan for the protection of the population, the environment and local economies. In light of the plan drawn up by Sogin and other entities, we have presented observations regarding the assessment of external risks, plan and range of protection of the populations, disclosure of the emergency plan to the community.

We take this opportunity to thank the prefecture of Matera for having activated the entire process for the adoption of the plan in our territory, we remain available to the municipalities free of charge as we have done for decades to provide all our help for the protection of the territory and its community”.

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