Broja: “If Ibrahimovic called me to go to Milan I would tell him that …”

Broja: “If Ibrahimovic called me to go to Milan I would tell him that …”
Broja: “If Ibrahimovic called me to go to Milan I would tell him that …”

Armando Broja, Chelsea and Albania striker, has explained what he would do if Zlatan Ibrahimovic were to call him to go to Milan

Armando Brojastriker of Chelsea and of theAlbaniamade some statements during the program ‘Champions’ are ‘RTV Klan’explaining how it would behave if Zlatan Ibrahimovic should call him to go play at the Milan, a club he was recently linked to. The center forward spoke to both the Swede and the Rossoneri club, confirming that he currently has offers from A league. Here, then, are his words on the matter.

AC Milan Transfer Market – Broja Confirms the Offer: Then the Honeyed Words on Ibrahimovic …

You get a call. ‘Hi Broja, I’m Zlatan Ibrahimovic. I made an offer to Chelsea for you. When do we meet to talk about you at Milan’? “I would tell him first of all that I am a big fan of his, I have always liked him as a player. Milan is a great club, historically second only to Real Madrid. I would tell him that I have to speak to his agent and family, then I will let him know”.

Subsequently, he never denied the great interest he has aroused throughout Europe this summer: “It’s true, I have offers from these three leagues (Serie A, Bundesliga, Premier League). Staying at Chelsea? It’s an option, I still have a contract with them that expires in many years”. READ ALSO: Milan transfer market, Pedullà takes stock of Fofana. And Bennacer…


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