Pride in Marina di Ragusa attracts support from the political world

Pride in Marina di Ragusa attracts support from the political world
Pride in Marina di Ragusa attracts support from the political world

Ragusa – The mobilization is growing in view of the Ragusa Pride scheduled in Marina di Ragusa on June 28 and 29. There are many supporters of the gay pride day organized by Arcigay Ragusa, and which enjoys the patronage of the Ragusa municipal administration. Among these, the “convinced” one of the Democratic Party of Ragusa which writes

“This year too, the Democratic Party of Ragusa officially supports the provincial Pride and will be present at the parade. We think that today it is increasingly necessary to take to the streets to defend everyone’s rights, especially when they are systematically targeted by a reactionary government that wants to make a clean sweep of the democratic achievements of recent decades. It is disconcerting, for example, that Italy was among the few EU countries not to sign the declaration for the promotion of policies in favor of LGBT people, like Orbán’s Hungary. A shame and an insult to our democracy. The choice of an openly anti-fascist slogan, ‘This is the flower’, appears particularly significant to us in this historical moment and as the Democratic Party we can only firmly support it.”

“We have read and appreciated the political document of Ragusa Pride – adds the city secretary Peppe Calabrese – which in its third edition, unlike the previous ones, contains in its political platform some requests addressed to public administrations and, in this regard, the PD of Ragusa intends to be consequent to the choice to join the demonstration: as group leader in the City Council today I will present a motion that commits the administration to establish the municipal gender register in Ragusa, as many other cities have already done, including Milan, Turin, Florence, Lecce and, in Sicily, Messina. This is a commitment that Mayor Cassì had made during the electoral campaign as a ‘priority’, but, as far as we know, to date nothing has been done in this direction. Then – concludes Calabrese – it will be our task to propose the approval of a measure that would undoubtedly mark an important leap in civilization and would place our city among the most advanced in Italy for the recognition and inclusion of people with non-conforming gender identity”.

Even the provincial 5 Star Movement, as happened in previous editions, gives its official support to Pride and the related initiatives that will be organized in Marina di Ragusa. This was communicated by the provincial coordinator, Federico Piccitto, who explains: “At a time when attempts to fuel great divisions are multiplying, we instead need to unite and counter the culture of hatred and discrimination. There is a need for a progressive, egalitarian, inclusive society, and we firmly support Pride because we all feel part of a large community. These are events that also serve this purpose, to allow people to make themselves visible and no longer have to hide, which is still not a given, especially in small businesses. We support and support every type of family and relationship, in the awareness of living in a multifaceted society, in a country where acceptance is by no means a given.” Sinistra Italiana Ragusa also confirms its “heartfelt, due, passionate support”. The provincial coordinator Marcella Borrometi writes: “the SI provincial federation of Ragusa has, this year too, joined Pride. A heartfelt, due, passionate adhesion to a demonstration of and for rights, of which few are seen today, while many, many rights are trampled upon, cunningly forgotten. This is why this year more than ever we will be at Pride, for the rights of each and everyone. Colors will no longer have to be alternative. And this is the flower…of rebirth, of the struggle, of unity in diversity, of our resistance.” (dice.)

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