Community fraud, ten suspects, 36 total tax evaders discovered in 16 months – Teramo

Community fraud, ten suspects, 36 total tax evaders discovered in 16 months – Teramo
Community fraud, ten suspects, 36 total tax evaders discovered in 16 months – Teramo

TERAMO. Activities to combat tax evasion, as in the most rigorous tradition of the Fiamme Gialle, but also and above all a 360-degree commitment against crime in defense of citizens and businesses with particular attention to the protection of public spending: it is a balance sheet full of numbers that tells the story of 16 months of activity of the provincial command of the Guardia di Finanza that on Wednesday evening in Giulianova celebrated the 250th anniversary of its foundation with a ceremony.
In the 12 months of 2023 and the first five months of 2024, there were a total of 879 inspections and investigations to combat economic and financial crimes. All inspection activities allowed the identification of 36 total tax evaders, carrying out business or self-employed activities completely unknown to the tax authorities (many of whom operated through e-commerce platforms) and 136 undeclared or irregular workers. Five cases of international tax evasion were also discovered, mainly attributable to well-organized groups, transfer pricing manipulation, fictitious tax residences and the illegal holding of capital outside the country. 175 people were reported for tax crimes.
At the end of investigations delegated by the judicial authority, non-existent or high tax risk subsidized tax credits in construction and energy matters were reported to the Revenue Agency, as well as assets constituting, according to the accusation, profit from tax evasion and of tax fraud, for a value of 1,090,851 euros. 10 proposals have been made for the termination of the VAT number and cancellation from the Vies database (a system for exchanging information on VAT) against economic entities deemed to have a fiscal risk profile. The 29 excise duty interventions made it possible to seize 3,400 kilos of products. There were six customs checks on goods introduced into the national territory in tax evasion, counterfeit or in violation of safety regulations.
Massive activity against illegal gambling. The checks and investigations in this sector made it possible to discover 4 irregular gaming points and to report 33 perpetrators.
«The activity of the financial police in the sector of the protection of public spending is aimed at supervising the correct use of European Union and national resources for the implementation of interventions to support businesses and families», said Colonel Fabrizio Chirico the provincial commander of the guard, “all the directives given are aimed, as a priority, at protecting projects and investments financed with resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan”. Attention to the protection of other resources of the European Union, including aid provided by the Common Agricultural Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy. “In this regard, our departments”, said Chirico, “have conducted 1 intervention, ascertaining fraud, implemented through the presentation of untrue data and false property titles, for 2,468,717 euros, making seizure proposals for 2,232,581 euros and reporting 10 responsible parties. On the national public spending front, in the same period, 240 interventions were carried out, of which 105 on the subject of citizen income and new inclusion and support measures for training and work”.
The action to combat community fraud has led to the discovery of unduly received contributions for €4,563,449, while those relating to national funding, social security and welfare expenditure are €22,337,894. 129 investigations have been carried out on the subject of public spending with 10 reported.

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