“They are responsible for over 200 million euros in damages per year”

Green light in Emilia-Romagna for the extraordinary depopulation plan for wild boars. The provision, approved by the Bonaccini council, it was announced yesterday morning, Thursday 27 June, by the Agriculture Councilor Alessio Mammi, who spoke at the Coldiretti demonstration under the windows of the Region. A measure strongly requested by the trade association itself, which yesterday brought around 4,000 farmers from all over the region to the streets and put on display the agricultural products ruined by ungulates.

The announcement of the councilor Mammi

«We need an extraordinary five-year plan to contain wild boars – states the regional president of Coldiretti, Nicola Bertinelli – the theme is that of coexistence. There are over 2.3 million wild boars in the national territory and they are responsible for over 200 million euros in damage per year.” Coldiretti also estimates that about 200 people have died in accidents related to wild boars, not only on the road. Mammi’s announcement was greeted with applause from the farmers’ yellow jersey square. “On Monday in the council we approved the extraordinary plan for the depopulation of wild boars,” the councilor said, “with which we are making the selection and control activity easier.” After having implemented, last December, the ministerial decree on the matter, now the Region has lined up all the planned activities and measures on ungulates in a single address act. The provision also summarizes the three million euros allocated to combat swine fever, of which over one million distributed to support the activities implemented by the provincial police.

Bonaccini: sub-commissioners are needed

The plan also provides for surveillance of parks and protected areas to carry out control actions. The same goes for the ATCs. «If they do not reach the depopulation objectives – warns Mammi – they will have to answer to the Region. There are no more alibis: the means are there, we provide the resources, everyone does their part.” The Region then again sent a request to the government to increase the wild boar hunting period from three to five months and to also authorize hunting. President Stefano Bonaccini was also on stage yesterday: «In Rome they haven’t yet understood the risk we are running. A commissioner in Rome cannot solve the problem. We need sub-commissioners who work closely with the territories.”

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