World Refugee Day, meeting at the Teramo river park – News

World Refugee Day, meeting at the Teramo river park – News
World Refugee Day, meeting at the Teramo river park – News

The fight to protect human rights should concern everyone, without distinction. But this is not a given and therefore we must cyclically and obligatorily turn the spotlight on human issues. World Refugee Day aims to be an opportunity to stop and feel, listen, perceive the drama of female and political refugees, people who have not found protection in their own country and who are forced to beg for it from “other” countries.

On the occasion of this anniversary the SAI Project of the Municipality of Teramomanaged by Medihospes Social Cooperativewants to network around them to try, once again, to build a society that knows how to listen, free from prejudice, open to differences, respectful of diversity and ethically and collectively responsible.

To make this possible, the best space is that of the historical and heartfelt “Anti-racist tournament“, now in its 13th edition, a space open to all those social demands that work for the least, for the weakest, for the exploited, for the victims of this capitalist and racist society.

The most in tune and decidedly “out of the box” voice will be that of Sandro Joyeux, Parisian singer-songwriter who with his notes will allow a journey around the world, free from borders. A representative of the SAI Teramo team and one of the newborn will also speak Teramani Migrant Association.

Appointment on 2 July, at 9.30 pm in Teramo at the River Park, Campo Smeraldo.

The SAI, Reception and Integration System, is the first public system for the reception of refugees, holders of subsidiary protection, special protection, social protection, medical care, victims of disasters, migrants who are recognized as having particular civil value and foreigners in administrative succession entrusted to social services upon reaching the age of majority. It is spread throughout the Italian territory, with the involvement of central and local institutions, according to a sharing of responsibilities between the Ministry of the Interior and local authorities, which access the National Fund for Asylum Policies and Services. The Teramo Project currently welcomes on its territory, in 33 different facilities, a total of 190 people, of which 100 single males, 70 members of family units and 20 members of single-parent units and, this year, the Medihospes Social Cooperative, celebrates its 10th year of managing the Teramo SAI Project.

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