Katia Tarasconi, “We are not Amazon Prime!”: face to face with the mayor of Piacenza on the city’s hot topics two years after the election

Katia Tarasconi he has been the mayor of Piacenza for two years. On 26 June 2022 he won the run-off against Patrizia Barbieri and takes over Palazzo Mercanti at the helm of a center-left coalition. The opportunity to take stock of these first 24 months on the city’s top step is the meeting dedicated to the start of the third stage of the Tour de France on July 1st. “If we pass the test of the Grande Boucle, we will be able to prepare any event, because in Piacenza we have never faced such a complex type of organization; even the French complimented us,” he comments with a smile, before answering our questions.

Mayor Tarasconi, let’s go back to two years ago, what do you remember about that Sunday?
“The wait: as the results arrived, to those who told me we won, I kept repeating: wait, wait… In fact, we took to the streets to celebrate very late, when I was really certain of the victory.”

A summary of these first two years in Piacenza’s government?
“It seems like at least ten to me for the intensity. The balance is positive with respect to the desire to be incisive to reawaken this city a little. Instead it is not particularly positive with respect to local politics.”

In what sense?
“I would like there to be a local policy aimed at working for the common good and for the good of the city. I am deeply offended by criticism for its own sake. And look, I also say this about the criticisms that come to the prime minister Giorgia Meloni: it is not possible that whatever you say is wrong, just as it cannot be the case in my case.”

“In reality, what we are trying to do now in this Municipality, especially with an enormous amount of requests for access to documents from the opposition, is to block the administrative machinery”.

But it still works… let’s talk about the ongoing games: where are we at with the underground car park in Piazza Cittadella?
“The case is following its process, the necessary steps are being taken according to the law; the managers are working on it, when there is something to say I will do it.”

No news on bankability, essential to deliver the construction site to Piacenza GPS-Parking?
“There is no news to communicate… which however does not mean that there is no news”.

Do you adhere to maximum confidentiality at this stage?
“I answer you like this: I prefer to ensure that such a complex process, which has lasted 12 years, reaches its conclusion in a congruous way, and above all in such a way as not to put the Municipality at risk from future actions that could be taken against it. Because there is unprecedented attention towards this practice, compared for example to other very controversial events of the past, such as those of the Civil Protection shed or cemeteries. Therefore I do not consider it appropriate to make statements on Piazza Cittadella at this moment precisely so as not to fuel more pressure than that which is already being exerted on the municipal offices today and which I believe is no longer desirable”.

Let’s move on to the maxi contract for municipal services.
“We are proceeding. An appeal has been filed with the TAR against our decisions; we have received the result of the first hearing: the judges of the Regional Administrative Court have rejected the appellants’ precautionary request and set the hearing on the merits for next December 4th”.

And what can you tell us about the work in the area of ​​the former tobacco factory, which is struggling to get started?
“They are moving forward, amidst sterile controversies. Let me explain: the public administration is not ‘Amazon Prime’, it has deadlines to respect. Like it or not, bureaucracy exists; if at times it is cumbersome, on the other hand it is protective. And this also applies to the former tobacco factory.”

From the do not disturb the operator series…
“Look, in two years our Administration has done a lot of things, which you may like or not. Let’s be clear, the right to criticize is sacred, of course; however, we need to delve into the merits of the issues with the aim of finding the best solutions for the community; after which, you can also try to work with the Administration, if the intent is to make the city grow. Different if the intent is to destroy.”

Well, in short, for example in the case of the false guarantee, the advisors of the Brothers of Italy and the opposition do not seem to have moved in this direction.
“The Municipality was defrauded, together with many other public bodies, so said the Public Prosecutor’s Office”.

If instead I tell you Polisportivo, the great project that until a couple of months ago seemed to be on its way and of which traces have been lost, how do you respond?
“All the processes opened in the Municipality in recent times have been slowing down. Events like the one in Piazza Cittadella weigh heavily… And whoever has to sign something, rightly in these conditions, takes more time for all possible checks. I repeat, we are not ‘Amazon Prime’: it’s one thing if you live in a city that wants to grow and do things, but it’s another thing if the desire to slow down prevails.”

Does a political climate that is too bellicose weigh on you?
“I’m not saying he’s too belligerent. Everyone is free to object as they see fit. When I was in the minority, I always tried to lend a hand. I remember criticizing the actions of the Barbieri Administration only twice: on the choice of the area of ​​the new hospital and on the failure to create a cycle path on the stretch of Via Emilia towards the Catholic University. It demonstrates in practice how much I believe in an active opposition, which works together with the Administration for the good of the city.”

And for the most part everything is fine?
“Yes, as is normal, there can be conflicting opinions, we have never seen a majority that agrees on everything: the discussion is open”.

On the criticism for the lack of discussion with citizens in the drafting of the city’s general urban plan, what do you think?
“I am convinced that in Piacenza there has never been so much participation in an urban plan. We have been having meetings for months, with moments of aggregation and discussion. Beyond whether I like it or not, we need to look at the future of the city as a whole; economic development, environment, real estate situation, work and population evolution must find a synthesis in the interest of the entire city. I would like these decisions to be made together, collaborating even if we are from different political parties. Believe me, I try to manage in the interest of all citizens and I would like it to be clear to the people of Piacenza”.

Can you tell us your opinion on the before and after school services that have so far been entrusted to Auser volunteers and that from the next school year it seems they will change management with the costs borne by the families?
“The topic is complex and we are talking about an educational choice, initially supported by schools: there is an educational plan for children that must take into account their safety. The before and after school service has been reactivated by this administration. If we add the contribution of a series of educators from another generation to Auser’s retired volunteers, I believe we are going in the right direction. Of course, you have costs, which in my time, as a mother of two children, I had decided to bear in order to be able to work. If schools and parents ultimately prefer to have only the completely free Auser service, we will think about leaving things as they are. But I repeat: what is the best solution for children in terms of education and safety? And keep in mind that for large and low-income families, contributions from social services can always come into play.”

One last question, Mayor Tarasconi: how do you see the next two years?
“We are moving forward, we have a lot of irons in the fire; but what needs to be understood is whether this city wants to grow and improve, or remain stagnant tuca gnint of those people from Piacenza who prefer inaction”.

Giovanni Volpi, professional journalist, is the director of Mio Giornale.net. He started at Sole-24 Ore in 1993. Ten years later he moved to Mondadori, to Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, where he also held the role of deputy director. He directed Guida TV, TelePiù and 2Tv; also at Mondadori he was deputy editor of Grazia. He collaborated with the Espresso Group as an editorial and journalistic consultant for the local Finegil newspapers.

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