Weather forecast June 27, 2024: detailed North, Center and South. Particular focus for Castellammare di Stabia, Naples and the Campania Provinces

Detailed weather forecast for June 27, 2024 in Italy, with focus on the North, Center, South and Campania provinces, including sea, air and pollen.

27 June 2024, Weather Forecasts of Northern, Central and Southern Italy

The June 27, 2024 A variable meteorological picture is expected across the entire Italian territory, with climatic situations that differ significantly between the North, Center and South.

Below is a detailed analysis of the weather conditions expected in the different geographical areas of the country, with a particular focus on Castellammare di Stabia and Naples, including forecasts for the sea, air and pollen, as well as an overview of the weather conditions in the other provinces of Campania: Avellino, Benevento, Caserta and Salerno.

Northern Italy Weather Forecast

Northern Italy will mainly see a day cloudy with the possibility of scattered rain, especially in the mountainous regions of the Alps and Pre-Alps. Temperatures will vary between 18°C ​​and 25°C, with moderate relative humidity.

Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta: Overcast skies with isolated precipitation in the afternoon.
Lombardy: Scattered thunderstorms, especially in the Alpine areas.
Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia: Widespread cloudiness with thundershowers in the evening.
Emilia Romagna: Cloudy day with clear spells during the afternoon, occasional rain.

Weather forecast for Central Italy

In Central Italy, a more stable climate is expected with partly cloudy skies and milder temperatures, between 20°C and 28°C.

Tuscany: Clear skies in the morning with increased cloud cover in the afternoon.
Umbria: Sunny day with possible evening clouds.
Lazio: Mostly sunny, some clouds in the late afternoon.
Marche: Stable weather with some passing clouds.

Southern Italy Weather Forecast

Southern Italy will enjoy a decidedly summery climate, with predominantly clear skies and high temperatures, oscillating between 24°C and 32°C.

Campania: Clear skies with maximum temperatures around 30°C.
Puglia: Warm and sunny day.
Basilicata: Few cloud cover and dry climate.
Calabria: Clear skies, temperatures rising.

Castellammare di Stabia and Naples: Detailed Forecast

Castellammare di Stabia Weather Forecast
A day is planned in Castellammare di Stabia sunny with temperatures that will vary between 24°C and 29°C. The wind will be moderate, coming from the south-west, with gusts that could reach 20 km/h.

Forecast for the Sea
Sea conditions will be little movement, with waves of height between 0.5 and 1 metre. The water temperature will be around 25°C, ideal for bathing activities.

Air Quality and Pollens
Air quality will be good, with low levels of pollution. The concentration of pollen, especially that of grasses, will be moderate, caution is advised for allergy sufferers.

Naples Weather Forecast
In Naples, the climate will be similar to that of Castellammare di Stabia, with a mostly sunny day. Temperatures will vary between 25°C and 30°C.

Forecast for the Sea
The sea will be calm, with waves less than 0.5 meters high. The water temperature will be around 25°C.

Air Quality and Pollens
Even in Naples, the air quality will be good, with low pollution levels. The pollen concentration will be moderate, with a prevalence of grass pollen.

Forecasts for the other Provinces of Campania

– **Weather**: Sunny day with some clouds in the afternoon.
– **Temperatures**: Minimum of 18°C ​​and maximum of 27°C.
– **Wind**: Weak from the north-east.

– **Weather**: Clear skies all day.
– **Temperatures**: Minimum of 19°C and maximum of 28°C.
– **Wind**: Moderate from the south-west.

– **Weather**: Sunny with some clouds in the evening.
– **Temperatures**: Minimum of 20°C and maximum of 29°C.
– **Wind**: Light from the north-west.

– **Weather**: Mostly sunny with high temperatures.
– **Temperatures**: Minimum of 22°C and maximum of 31°C.
– **Wind**: Moderate from the south.

The weather forecast for June 27, 2024 in Italy shows a clear distinction between the different regions.
While the North will be characterized by greater instability with scattered rainfall, the Center will enjoy a milder and more stable climate.
The South, however, will be kissed by the sun with summer temperatures. In Campania, especially in Castellammare di Stabia and Naples, an ideal day is expected for outdoor and beach activities, thanks to the favorable climatic conditions and the calm sea.

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