De Sanctis, bitter farewell: «Striked by the advisors closest to D’Alberto» – Teramo

De Sanctis, bitter farewell: «Striked by the advisors closest to D’Alberto» – Teramo
De Sanctis, bitter farewell: «Striked by the advisors closest to D’Alberto» – Teramo

TERAMO. Betrayed by the mayor and former fellow councilors. It is a long message, full of bitterness and accusations, with which the councilor resigned Ilaria De Sanctis He tells his truth about the reshuffle in the council and bids farewell to the administration. He relies on an open letter in which he calls the mayor into question Gianguido D’Alberto and, without mentioning them by name, the councillors Andrea Core And Sara Faliniwho went from “Together we can”, the list that she represented in the city government team, to the mixed group.
The emergency ignored
De Sanctis returns to the choice of assigning her the delegations to social and public construction. «Topics very dear to me», he defines them, «on which, despite the lack of attention from the administration and the mayor first and foremost, I put all of myself». In fact, for the former councilor «it is not enough to enunciate general principles during institutional meetings to say that these aspects are fundamental. Selfies or posts on social media are not enough. Actions must then be put in place so that what is said then becomes reality.” De Sanctis gives the example of the housing emergency. «Since the first electoral programme, in 2018, Via Longo has been a priority», he recalls, «the situation of those buildings, over time, has worsened exponentially and people continue to live inside them just as others live in the same conditions in other municipal apartments. After managing to have a specific budget chapter included for the maintenance of public housing, I understood that it was a sop, a decoy used by the mayor to appease those citizens. I have spent the last few months urging the offices that manage the heritage, even if my delegation was limited to aspects related to the tenders for the assignment of houses and the administrative ones, to intervene on Via Longo, but there was always more to do . Apart from a few “pieces” thrown away in a disorganized manner, nothing has been done: with around 200 thousand euros what can be achieved? We were the first, however, to get angry with Ater over Via Adamoli.”
The political trap
De Sanctis considers himself “a source of frustration, envy and resentment” on the part of the councilors “closest” to the mayor, “those who were councilors in the last mandate or those who have never been councillors”. He reiterates that he believed the slogan: “Not godfathers, not masters” repeated several times by D’Alberto. «The truth is another», he confesses, «the mayor struggled a bit to relieve me from the council, both because many people, who in these two months “of decisions”, approached him asking him not to do it, and because he had to find justification. Here first a councilor announces his exit from “Together we can” with a press conference at the end of which the mayor hugs him. A few days later the other one comes out crying. They enter the mixed group and the mayor is in a corner: with four councilors “Together we can” he cannot maintain three councillors. Meanwhile, the provincial president’s group, which has elected three councilors, wants the second councilor and you can’t say no to the provincial president.” For the resigned former councilor, therefore, the city “has more godfathers and more masters than it has had in history”.

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