“The center-left must hurry and choose my successor well” | VIDEO

“The center-left must hurry and choose my successor well” | VIDEO
“The center-left must hurry and choose my successor well” | VIDEO


Arrive “as soon as possible to identify the woman or man who can replace me”. And set up “a broad alliance, from moderates to the left, to do the best possible. In my opinion the conditions are there”. He is convinced of it Stefano Bonaccini who greeted the advisors of the Legislative Assembly and announced the date of his official resignation, after the G7 visit to Bologna, to take his place in the European Parliament.

Bonaccini lines up some questions about the next regional elections. Starting from the fact that the center-left in Emilia-Romagna has an advantage, but the Region is still contestable.

“I have read the comments of some political scientists, who should study the numbers of these years better – Bonaccini points out – that Emilia-Romagna was contestable, we saw it in 1999 when we lost Bologna. For 25 years we did not govern Parma. And five years ago almost everywhere it was written that the League would win, looking at the polls”.

Emilia-Romagna is contestable

In short, Bonaccini points out, “is there a territory today that cannot be said to be contestable? However, in the last three years, when the wind was towards the right, in Emilia-Romagna the centre-left has gone from six to eight governed capitals and to 12 out of 12 cities above 30,000 inhabitants. And the balance for the smaller municipalities is also positive. Even on the right, he points out, “they know what the polls say if I were to run again and, even without my running for office, how we can start”.

It is true, however, that “no result is ever written”, underlines Bonaccini, therefore “the only advice I give to the center-left is not to divide and if possible to broaden the perimeter of the coalition. In my opinion, this time the conditions exist to do so. And rather rather than getting lost in useless discussions, trying to find the woman or man who can replace me as soon as possible.”

Do it “quickly and well” to find the center-left candidate

In the area, adds Bonaccini, “we have a very prepared ruling class, we have all the conditions to try to do well”. The path will be decided by the Democratic Party with the coalition, “I hope that it will be done quickly and well”. When out in the open, “I don’t think it is the sum of the allies that makes up the total – continues Bonaccini – but we also have many experiences in cities, such as Reggio Emilia, Modena and Cesena, where they will not be governed together. And there were numbers for a broad alliance was not essential to win. It means that if there is a sharing of programs and objectives we can stay together. This victory in the local elections says that it can be done.” All things considered, therefore, “there are the conditions for a broad alliance from the moderates to the left to do the best possible and beat the right”.

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