Lamezia, Committee Let’s Defend the Constitution: “Mayor join the appeal to challenge Differentiated Autonomy”

Lamezia, Committee Let’s Defend the Constitution: “Mayor join the appeal to challenge Differentiated Autonomy”
Lamezia, Committee Let’s Defend the Constitution: “Mayor join the appeal to challenge Differentiated Autonomy”

Lamezia Terme – The “Let’s Defend the Constitution” Committee of Lamezia Terme through the coordinator of the Committee, Mario De Grazia, sends an open letter to the Mayor of Lamezia and to the President of the City Council and to the Councilors on Differentiated Autonomy.

“On 19 June 2024 – he specifies – the Chamber of Deputies definitively approved the “Calderoli” bill on differentiated autonomy which provides for the possibility for the Regions to request devolution on 23 matters of national competence. Thus, the task-duty of safeguarding the fundamental rights of citizens throughout the national territory will no longer fall to the State but to the individual Regions on the basis of agreements negotiated and defined separately”.

“A real modification of some unchangeable parts of our Constitution, those of the fundamental principles referred to in articles 3 and 5, was written with ordinary law – they underline. It will be the end of solidarity, subsidiarity, equality of citizens and of every idea of ​​a unitary and supportive country. With this law, as the Bishop of our Diocese, Monsignor, likes to repeat. Serafino Parisi, in unison with all the Bishops of Calabria, “has given institutional form to individual and regional selfishness, splitting national unity with obvious serious damage to the most vulnerable and defenseless citizens, especially southerners”. In recent days, 74 Calabrian mayors, including those of the cities of Catanzaro, Reggio, Cosenza, Vibo, Corigliano-Rossano, San Giovanni in Fiore, have launched the appeal “One Italy” by signing a specific request to the President of the Regional Council to challenge the Calderoli law before the Constitutional Court. This seems like an excellent idea to us and we hope that your signature can soon be added to this appeal.”

“In fact, in the many public meetings, in the squares and in the parishes, we had already received positive feedback among the citizens of Lamezia for the unanimous decision taken by the City Council on 21 March 2023 on the motion “No to the Calderoli bill on differentiated autonomy “who – he continues – clearly expressed his well-founded concerns regarding the economic and social consequences for the southern and Calabrian populations in particular, once the law was approved and with which the Mayor was given a mandate to implement the necessary initiatives to help avoid the approval of the bill as conceived and formalized by the government”.

“In view of what has been summarized and recalled – he concludes – the Committee represented by me, together with the over 600 signatures collected among the citizens of Lamezia in just six hours of sit-in in the square to say no to differentiated autonomy, we invite you, if has not already done so in these hours, in coherence and continuity with the direction of contestation of the law carried out by the above-mentioned City Council, to sign the challenge request made by his 74 fellow Calabrian mayors, of various political inspiration, to the President of the Regional Council, to take institutional charge of the majority desire to oppose this unjust and divisive law and to participate in all initiatives aimed at counteracting this reform law”.


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