Letters to AltriPagine | Corigliano-Rossano: what is the use of a “two-sided” municipal council and council? – OtherPages

Letters to AltriPagine | Corigliano-Rossano: what is the use of a “two-sided” municipal council and council? – OtherPages
Letters to AltriPagine | Corigliano-Rossano: what is the use of a “two-sided” municipal council and council? – OtherPages

CORIGLIANO-ROSANO – Here I would like to make a quick and realistic analysis of the relationship between politics and fusion.

What has changed today compared to 6 years ago?

The first thing you notice is the “explosion” of electoral preferences that absolutely did not exist before in the quantities that were obtained in the administrative consultation two weeks ago.

And don’t tell me that the electoral body has doubled and therefore the preferences have also doubledbecause it’s not true at all, go and look at the data.

Generally the most “flashy” results were limited to well-defined urban areas, either in Corigliano or Rossano.

Another effect is the distancing of politics from citizens:

while before when the electoral competition took place only within the walls of Corigliano or Rossano, all, or almost all, of the voting citizens knew the candidates very well, they knew their origins, families, profession, areas of interest and even their character, in short, their life, death and miracles.

I have always said that doing politics in our countries was easy and difficult at the same time, because here we all know each other.

Mind you, this is not a negative characteristic to be ascribed to small villages or to a piece of gossip, rumors or chatter, but it has its own robust reason for being:

the delegation to the politician was given with good reason, knowing with certainty in whose hands the future or the projects for the city were going to be placed.

It’s called awareness and awareness of delegation, that is closeness between citizen and politics.

This, today, in the merged city, is increasingly difficult, even more so if we consider that most of the lists are “civic”, that is, they have “catchy” names, but which mean everything and mean nothingwithout even a minimum reference to political affiliation.

In short, are you right or left?

Six for public housing or for villas in the countryside?

For expropriation for public utility or for the expropriated?

For illegal practices or for the norm?

On that list Are you rooting for the bullfighter or the bull?

Nothing, you can’t understand anything unless the list includes the candidate from Corigliano for the voters of Corigliano or from Rossano for the voters of Rossano. Yes, because most voters in the two towns don’t even know the names of the other country’s candidates.

At the end of the day, there is a city council divided by origin:

the people of Corigliano know the people of Corigliano and the people of Rossana know the people of Rossano.

History already lived in the last 5 years, we all know very well that there were councilors that no one knew in Corigliano and never even met physically and the same goes for Rossano.

Some will say “but there’s no need to know a politician, who knows Meloni in Rossano?”. Yes, but we know every detail about her and how she thinks on every important and non-important topic in our melted city we have a Council that is only recognizable on both sides – one for Corigliano and one for Rossano – regardless of whether they belong to the majority or the minority.

And what do we want to call this fact if not the distancing of politics from citizens?

Not only that, but the mayor when he goes to choose his council, what do you think he will have to do among other evaluations if not balance the origin of one community or the other, let him try to make a majority proposal ‘ndoscia or crogghianisa!

And don’t you call this politics far from the interests of citizens?

Why does he have to respond to balances that have nothing to do with the interests of the merged city.

Here, these are some of the serious problems that this administrative stunt called merger has unloaded on the citizens of this unfortunate city that was never born, not even in name, which sees among the first victims was precisely the politics that should have instead guided it and oriented it towards new horizons which instead appear increasingly confused and unattainable.

Arch. Mario Gallina

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