Our excellences. Patients from outside the region. Turrets at the top in Italy

Our excellences. Patients from outside the region. Turrets at the top in Italy
Our excellences. Patients from outside the region. Turrets at the top in Italy

Attractiveness of the structure and complexity of treatments, the Marche University Hospital brings home another excellent result at a national level. According to a ranking drawn up by the Sole 24 Ore which reports data from the Ministry of Health, the Torrette hospital and the other facilities that make up the company are placed tenth in Italy for the two highly important items. In particular the attractiveness, i.e. the ability to convince citizens who come from outside the city, province and region to be treated in the Ancona polyclinic, the only level II DEA hospital. In practice, the fundamental concept in healthcare of passive mobility, the ability to increase the quality of services and, consequently, revenues, fundamental in the healthcare sector and in times of lean times for the sector.

Ancona is at the level of the major national structures, in tenth place, the only one in the Marche region and at the level of ‘Gemelli’ and ‘San Camillo’ and ahead of highly renowned companies, from Niguarda to Careggi and so on. The first three places, among other things, are occupied by the private Lombard structures, Galeazzi, Humanitas and San Raffaele which obviously have different parameters. It should not be forgotten that the last two general rankings on the quality of care, those referring to the years 2021 and 2022, put the former ‘Ospedali Riuniti’ of Ancona in first place among public structures. This latest result consolidates the very high quality level of Torrette, Lancisi and Salesi despite the difficult period.

Satisfaction was expressed by the company’s General Director, Armando Gozzini: “Being ahead of the largest public hospitals in the north in the ranking of those who attract the most patients from outside the region, drawn up by the Ministry of Health for the most complex cases, attests and confirms the great credit to the commitment of the healthcare team of this hospital-university company. This result, together with the PNE (National Outcomes Plan) which on the subject of quality and outcomes of care places us in first place among public hospitals according to the Regional Health Agency. health services, reconfirms at this point its mission and the strategic value of our company for the Marche region”.

Pierfrancesco Curzi

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