Hot weather in Sicily, orange warning for fire risk – BlogSicilia

Hot weather in Sicily, orange warning for fire risk – BlogSicilia
Hot weather in Sicily, orange warning for fire risk – BlogSicilia

Temperatures are rising again in Sicily and attention is turned to the risk of fires which on the island remains at an orange pre-alert in the nine provinces for Wednesday 26 June. This is stated in the regional civil protection notice 128 on the risk of fires and heat waves.

Orange warning everywhere

Orange warning for the risk of fires in all nine provinces of the island. The risk varies between low and medium. Little danger in Agrigento, Enna, Messina, Palermo, Syracuse and Trapani. Medium danger in Caltanissetta, Catania and Ragusa.

No heat waves

No heat waves are indicated in the three sample cities (Palermo, Catania and Messina) with 30 respectively; 32 and 30 degrees perceived.

The weather picture

The pressure increases again, favoring a rapid thinning of the cloud cover to clear or slightly cloudy skies already in the afternoon.

Specifically, on the Tyrrhenian coast, very cloudy or overcast skies with large clearings from late afternoon to clear or slightly cloudy skies; on the Ionian coast scattered clouds alternating with sunny spells throughout the day; on the southern coast and inland areas, a mostly cloudy day, except for the presence of scattered clouds in the morning; on the Apennines very cloudy or overcast skies with partial openings during the second part of the day. Weak northerly winds easing. Lower Tyrrhenian Sea, slightly moved; Channel and rough Sicilian Sea.


Highs between 26 and 34 degrees. 32 degrees are expected in Agrigento, 31 in Caltanissetta, 33 in Catnaia, 29 in Enna, 30 in Messina, 28 in Palermo, 31 in Ragusa, 34 in Syracuse, 26 in Trapani.

Thursday 27 June

A high pressure field embraces the Region guaranteeing stable and sunny weather everywhere. Specifically, on the Tyrrhenian coast, the Ionian coast, the southern coast, on the Apennines and inland areas, mostly clear or slightly cloudy skies for the entire day. Weak winds from the north-eastern quadrants attenuating; Thermal zero around 4750 meters. Lower Tyrrhenian Sea and Channel with little movement; Sea of ​​Sicily from rough to slightly rough.

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