Campania, General Trotta outlines the budget for the Region: spotlights on fraudulent credits and PNRR – Videonola

Campania, General Trotta outlines the budget for the Region: spotlights on fraudulent credits and PNRR – Videonola
Campania, General Trotta outlines the budget for the Region: spotlights on fraudulent credits and PNRR – Videonola

First the laying of a wreath on the tombstone in memory of the sacrifice of the financiers Ludovico Papini and Salvatore Spirindozzi, then a point with the press.

We start from the 1,607 checks by the financiers, as underlined by Major General Giancarlo Trotta, Regional Commander of Campania, to take stock of these months by the Fiamme Gialle.

Interventions to verify the correct use of tax credits, contributions and financing, both by citizens and businesses, as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnnr). Contracted works and services worth over 1.6 billion euros were monitored, with a focus also on Citizenship Income and new inclusion, training and work measures (with 4,016 checks).

the activity of the Guardia di Finanza was also concentrated on the front of money laundering and self-laundering. In the five provinces of Campania, 593 interventions were carried out which led to the reporting of 1,198 people (72 arrested) and the discovery of illicit operations for a total value of 3.6 billion euros.

A constant commitment to legality and the protection of public resources, the action of the Guardia di Finanza in Campania has demonstrated a constant commitment in the fight against fraud and tax evasion, to protect the legality and correct management of public resources.

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