Vera Slepoj, the prosecutor’s office opens a case for manslaughter

A preliminary investigation has been opened with the hypothesis of manslaughter for the death of Vera Slepoj. The psychologist was found dead on June 21st in her home in Padua. The investigators initially hypothesized that her death was due to an illness. But then, following the presentation of a complaint by Slepoj’s family, the judiciary opened the case, still without suspects. As reposted by the Corriere del Veneto, recently, according to what was written by the Slepoj family, she declared that she felt healthy. The autopsy is scheduled for tomorrow, after which the prosecutor’s office will be able to give the go-ahead for her funeral.

The life

Originally from Portogruaro, Vera Slepoj graduated in Psychology at the University of Padua in 1977 with a thesis on “Deviance and control mechanisms in a current society”. In the early 1980s she published her first book, “Understanding Feelings.” The focus of her work was on the affective dimension of the human being. She participated in many television programmes, thanks to which she became known to the public. Among other things, between 1999 and 2004 you were councilor for culture and museums of the Province of Padua and then president of the Italian Federation of Psychologists and of the International Health Observatory.

read also

Vera Slepoj has died: the famous psychologist who fell ill at the age of 70

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