Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena – Concerts, theater and workshops, the fourth edition of the ‘La luna sotto casa’ event begins in Quartu

Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena – Concerts, theater and workshops, the fourth edition of the ‘La luna sotto casa’ event begins in Quartu
Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena – Concerts, theater and workshops, the fourth edition of the ‘La luna sotto casa’ event begins in Quartu

A cheerful summer, between concerts, theater and workshops. Everything is ready in Quartu for the fourth edition ofThe moon under the house‘, the institutional review which also this year offers a rich program of events for all citizens, both in the compact city and on the coastal coast. Many events are scheduled from June to August, almost daily, to embrace culture, to intensely experience the summer with engaging outdoor evenings.

The exhibition is desired by the municipal administration and is carried out with the contribution of Foundation of Sardinia and of RAS Autonomous Region of Sardinia – Department of Public Education, Cultural Heritage, Information, Entertainment and Sport. Organizational coordination is entrusted toAssociation Local bodies for cultural and entertainment activities.

The fourth edition of ‘La luna sotto casa’ offers a heterogeneous programme. Music, ranging across various genres, theatre, committed and for children, workshops, wine and beer. An institutional review that therefore intends to arouse everyone’s interest, so that culture can embrace the entire city, given its ability to increase psychological well-being, improving self-perception, promoting memory and stimulating creativity.

And with the first appointment, scheduled for Friday 28 June, it will immediately be a big party. In fact, the contagious enthusiasm of the city reaches the streets of the city where the greatest number of productive activities are located Seuinstreet Band. From via Colombo to via Porcu, passing through via Marconi and Parco Matteotti, a contagious wave of sounds, colors, dances, smiles. Many instrumentalists, mostly very young, will liven up the center with music ranging from Funk and R&B, between Soul and Jazz, combining them with spectacular choreographies capable of involving the public.

This year too there will be space for workshops dedicated to food and wine at the Ex Convento dei Cappuccini. Five days with Cheers Cannonauthe in-depth study dedicated to wine, and then encore with Thirst for Hops, with all the secrets of beer. The same location, which has become a point of reference for Quartese culture in recent years, will be among the venues for the traveling concert Cortes in Classicthe project that will bring classical music to the ancient courtyard houses: the mini concerts proposed in collaboration with the Conservatory of Music of Cagliari Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina will also touch Sa Dom’e Farra and the Ex Caserma.

Two other exceptional events will also be held in the Via Roma venue in August: the minitalk ‘If I say no it’s no‘, created by Maria Francesca Chiappe, journalist, Ambra Pintore, artist, and Claudia Rabellino, lawyer, to tell the story of a year of dawns and sunsets against gender violence, and the project Indindarawhich was born from the meeting between the clarinettist, experimental Launedd player and Sardinian jazz composer Zoe Pia and the four voices of the Tenores of Orosei.

Lots of music will affect the central Piazza XVIII Aprile, right in front of the Municipal Palace. Starting from the concert of Diana Puddu, resident in the city and fresh from success in the Rai singing talent show ‘The Voice Senior’. To continue with the chamber concert Classic Music and Soundtrackswhich will see the String Orchestra on stage for the performance of famous melodies taken from the classical repertoire, and with the show of Tamurita Trio in ‘Love Stories – Homage to Italian Music’, as part of the tour which celebrates the band’s 20th anniversary with a space-time, figurative and emotional journey. There is also space for rock, with an evening in between King Howla band with blues sounds filtered by musical influences from stoner rock, 70s classic rock, funk and punk, and the punk-rock band from Cagliari The Colvins.

And August 9th will be the big day Linen Cannavacciolo, which presents the show ‘Via Napoli’, a journey through five centuries of Neapolitan music. The eclectic singer, who boasts numerous and prestigious collaborations with artists of different musical origins, hosted in the largest and most important national theaters and festivals, will bring to Quartu an explosion of sounds and colors of the Mediterranean, through vibrant virtuosity, hypnotic notes and a stage presence capable of overwhelming the audience, leaving them breathless from the first notes.

The reference location of this edition will also be home to the theatrical show ‘Portable history of Sardinia. From the Nuragic people to Gigi Riva‘, with Flavio Soriga and Luciano Marroccu, with a brief but animated live review of the island’s history in its most compelling moments, as well as the final concert which will see the orchestra perform Santosuarezthrilling lovers of Cuban culture but also anyone who wishes to enjoy a performance full of talent and professionalism.

The novelty this year is the concert in via Monsignor Angioni, designed to also involve the citizens of the peripheral part of the city. An evening that aims to enhance emerging young people and which will also see performances by the other Quartese talent who made the national headlines this year: Gaia Deiana, winner of Sanremo Junior. With her in the two days open to young musicians MoonFongo, Swllw in the world, The wise, Honeylargent, Marta Money And Dan.

And on the coast, as is now tradition, many shows also at Parodi Park. Starting in the evening Music among the stars, retracing the successes of many Italian stars such as De André, Dalla, De Gregori, Cremonini and Pausini, up to Annalisa. And then shows for the very young, with the Teatro del Sottosuolo in Hop Hope Hoplastaged by the clown duo ‘I Nipoti di Bernardone’, to bring amazement and wonder to the public through simplicity and representationWhat if the mice discovered the manholes‘, which features a hamster in rebellion against mankind.

“We started this experience in the terminal phase of Covid, in complex times, with the desire to restart this city from a cultural point of view – declared the Mayor Graziano Milia -. Through this initiative, in its summer and end-of-year versions, the calls for tenders and the activities spread throughout the city’s institutional places, we aimed to satisfy a need that the city had and which for too many years had remained unanswered for many different reasons. We see a growth, an evolution not only of this initiative but also of citizens’ attention. Today the restart is a consolidated fact, which has become normal and which is almost no longer news. And that’s what we wanted. We continue to choose the path of widespread, inclusive, open events, which take into account the tastes of different segments of the population, with the idea that Quartu is no longer a place closed in itself but a place that also speaks to others. Our goal for the future is to take a further step forward with an infrastructure of the spaces starting from the completion of the New Theater in Via Marconi: we are at a good point and we already have a possible form of management in mind, which guarantees its sustainability on an economic level and open all year round. Together with the Theatre, widespread programming of cultural events in the city will continue to exist, because it represents a tool for collective growth that we cannot give up” concluded the First Citizen.

We continue in the direction of promoting culture and thus enhancing the territory. Today we present a billboard with many initiatives and there will be others in the associations’ programme, always with the aim of looking at all groups of users, from children to young people, from adults to the elderly – added the Councilor for Productive Activities and Territorial Development Rossana Perra -. The spirit that animates the Administration in promoting this program is in fact aimed at allowing all age groups and different cultural passions to have their own space, to find something that can arouse their interest. And another purpose was and remains that of promoting new spaces of sociality, which go beyond the classic institutional places used for these occasions. And in fact this year two days of shows will take place in Piazza Monsignor Angioni, already revamped last year with some initiatives held by the associations, and now the chosen location for the Palchi Aperti evenings, with the concert by Gaia Deiana and other groups born in the city to whom we give an opportunity”.

“’La luna sotto casa’ offers entertainment events that are diversified both in content and in the places where they take place – he added Annamaria Loddo of the Association of Local Authorities for cultural and entertainment activities describing the program –. We will have many initiatives in the Municipality square, but also in the former Barracks, which thanks to its shape allows us to program more niche concerts, but no less popular, and in Parodi Park, where the activity dedicated to children takes place and to families. A prevalence of music evenings is expected, but with differentiated shows, such as the one against gender violence by Chiappe and Pintore or the story on the history of Sardinia by Soriga and Marroccu. In particular, the presence of an extraordinary artist like Cannavacciuolo, one of the most prestigious Italian singers of world music, who in this project dedicates himself to the reinterpretation of Italian music, deserves a mention. Furthermore, with open stages we will give space to emerging Quartes who want to do this job, to experience the effect of getting on a high level stage. And there will also be Gaia Deiana and Diana Puddu, awarded this year at national level in their respective competitions. The final event includes a Caribbean concert, close to mid-August, to transform the evening into a huge party”.

Caterina Giua And Laura Perrarespectively President and Vice President of the Culture Commission, expressed in a joint statement “satisfaction with the program drawn up, because the primary objective that we set ourselves at the beginning of the Consiliatura is precisely to enhance the Quartese culture in all its forms, both with talents and with the most scenographic and welcoming places. And that’s what we are doing, also restoring the showcase to neighborhoods that were previously neglected. The hope is therefore that this can continue in the coming years, taking into account all segments of the population. The work that we are all carrying out together is valid and is also received positively by the population”.

Satisfaction and enthusiasm also in the words of Myriam Quaquero of the Local Authorities Association: “An event with widespread initiatives guarantees that all this has a wider impact. This year the festival will be opened by the Seuinstreet band, the largest of its kind in Sardinia, capable of gaining appreciation and success throughout Italy and abroad. It will be a traveling show, as if to symbolize the itinerant nature of the entire event. Furthermore, I would like to underline that thanks to the Administration this year a permanent stage will be set up at the Ex Caserma: for 4 months that space will be usable not only for this event but also for that of the associations and for the other proposals for the valorisation of culture that will be proposed.”

It will be a month and a half in one go, with culture as a common thread, but also as a unifying element of a community that has rediscovered its interest in culture, with many events capable of stimulating sociability and involving the many tourists arriving in Quartu to spend their holidays.

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06/25/2024, 2.12pm

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