The fourth edition of Arpa d’Estate returns with great Pisan and international artists

The fourth edition of Arpa d’Estate returns with great Pisan and international artists
The fourth edition of Arpa d’Estate returns with great Pisan and international artists

Pisa, 25 June 2024 – Everything is ready for the fourth edition of “Summer Harp”under the expert artistic direction of Renato Raimoscheduled for the next one 6 July at the Giardino Scotto in Pisa. Summer Harp, the charitable musical event organized by the Arpa Foundation (whose president is Professor Luca Morelli), now in its fourth edition, aims to be a triumph of music, emotions and solidarity. The evening will take place on Saturday 6 July, at the Giardino Scotto in Pisa which will be transformed into an authentic stage of talents, under the expert artistic direction of Renato Raimo, who is also the creator, director and host. The show will begin at 9.30pm, enhanced by the presence of national and international artists, after the blue carpet welcome where participants will be able to take souvenir photos and a tasting of local wines. The artists involved are: Luisa Corna (godmother and guest of honor) Adriana Hamilton (Livorno of Scottish origin), Federica Marinari (from Marina di Pisa), Serena Rigacci (from Pisa, also remembered for her participation in ‘Ti lascio una canzone’) and many other characters who represent the area. “We chose these professional figures for their artistic life path which is close to the spirit of the initiative. – explains Raimo – We are also keen to promote ‘big’ young people who come from the area“. Communication of the event is entrusted to SidebloomUna associated agency. For the first time, this year the Summer Harp Award will be presented, a recognition for young talents. “We understand the expression of talent not as a desire to emerge at all costs but as the result of a path of dedication, study and sacrifice. – underlines Raimo – The idea is that of a success that is achieved with determination without aiming for false goals, with passion”. There will be also Master Carlo Berninimusical director of Andrea Bocelli (Honorary President of the Arpa Foundation) who will play the piano, paying homage to Giacomo Puccinion the centenary of his death. Maximilian Cotov, young talent of 10 years, he will cheer up the audience with his piano. “Our goal is to make Arpa d’Estate not only an important event for the Foundation, but also be included in the schedule of Pisan entertainment evenings, with musical quality as well, which is growing more and more. – explains Raimo – The presence of the public which is renewed every year confirms that we are going in the right direction”. To book your place, just write on whatsapp to the number 351 726 6933 Arpa d’Estate aims to gather supporters, friends and new testimonials remember how sensitive Professor Mosca was to the 360-degree world of art. “For him, art and science are inseparable, he insists on human nature. We want to enhance the artists who live their ‘mission’ with passion, determination and a spirit of sacrifice. This event inherits the desire to maintain a strong bond with the world of art – concludes Raimo – The basic idea is to unite different genres of music: the common thread of the initiative is that of ‘diversity that unites’, which colors life and the world”. The “Franco Mosca” Award will be awarded to people or personalities who, with their daily commitment, have demonstrated that they share values ​​and motivations with the Foundation and who, by embodying its spirit in an exemplary way, have contributed to promoting and spreading these values ​​in society. This prestigious recognition represents a certificate of esteem and gratitude towards those who, day after day, put the care and well-being of people at the center of their work. The funds raised during the event will in fact be used to support the projects of the Arpa Foundation.

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