De Luca responds to Meloni: «He lost in the South» and on Schmidt: «When he returns to Capodimonte, at least start working»

De Luca responds to Meloni: «He lost in the South» and on Schmidt: «When he returns to Capodimonte, at least start working»
De Luca responds to Meloni: «He lost in the South» and on Schmidt: «When he returns to Capodimonte, at least start working»

OfSimona Brandolini

The governor: «The government lost due to the battle led by the Campania Region against differentiated autonomy»

«In recent years various regions have loudly asked to follow up on what is provided for by the Constitution: Lombardy, Veneto, of course, regions governed by the centre-right and which held a referendum on this. But curiously, no one remembers that Emilia Romagna also did the same. But many other regions have also adopted formal acts to ask for greater autonomy: Liguria, center-right, Tuscany, led by the Democratic Party, then, again when they were led by the Democratic Party, Lazio, Marche, Piedmont, ‘Umbria and even Campania by the governor Vincenzo de Luca who today pretends not to remember and is tearing his clothes against our measure». Giorgia Meloni entrusts the defense of the newly launched differentiated autonomy to a long video.

Well De Luca responds in some way using the European and local vote that rewarded the opposition as a picklock: «The political signal had already reached the government in a strong and clear way with the European elections. In the South, the Meloni government lost and it fundamentally lost, beyond all the chatter, due to the battle led by the Campania Region against differentiated autonomy.” The Campania governor is clarifying, against the accusation of incoherence by the centre-right, that he has never been in favor of centralism, far from being a convinced regionalist. He is against the Calderoli law. «I have made it clear in recent weeks – he continued – that the battle must be waged on two fronts: the battle against differentiated autonomy is not enough, we must also wage the battle against the national bureaucratic swamp, that is we must decentralize to the regions all the powers needed to make an investment, a public work without having to waste years to get an environmental opinion from the Ministries. We are seeing the story of the Development and Cohesion Plan, there is a centralization within the ministries which is disconcerting.”

Then he also reiterates another thing. This time on Eike Schmidt, director of the Capodimonte museum, center-right candidate for the Florentine municipal elections and defeated. «We have a big heart and Naples is a warm, supportive, Christian and hospitable city. His performance was not of great style, but he returns to Naples and the important thing is that at least when he returns he starts working without distractions».

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