ASP North Modena Area Competition, 42 OSS: requirements, application, tests

An important permanent hiring opportunity arrives for OSS with the ASP North Modena Area Competition. In fact, the notice of a public competition for exams only for the permanent hiring of 42 units with professional profile of Social Health Operator (OSS) – Area of ​​Expert Operators – CCNL Local Functions Sector, divided as follows:

  • 25 to be assigned to the service at the various ASP offices in the Modena Northern Area Municipalities;
  • 5 to be assigned to the service at ASP Terre D’Argine;
  • 8 to be assigned to the service at ASP Terre di Castelli G. Gasparini;
  • 4 to be assigned to the service at ASP Delia Repetto.

The competition will lead to the formulation of 4 distinct rankings which will be used by the companies to proceed with filling their respective permanent positions advertised, and it will be possible to choose only one location.

In the next paragraphs, let’s see how the selection will work, who can participate and how to best prepare for the tests.

Get ready with Maggioli volumes!

ASP North Modena Area Competition, 42 OSS: requirements

To participate in the competition, the following requirements are required:

  • possession of Italian citizenship or citizenship of a member state of the European Union, or citizenship of a non-member state of the European Union provided that they are in possession of a regular residence permit, pursuant to art. 38 of Legislative Decree 165/2001 and subsequent amendments.
  • turning 18 years of age;
  • full psycho-physical suitability for employment;
  • regularity of position towards military service obligations (limited to those who are subject to it);
  • enjoyment of the right to be an active political electorate, in Italy or in the country of origin;
  • failure to terminate previous employment relationships established with public administrations due to insufficient performance, criminal conviction or production of false documents or suffering from incurable disability;
  • absence of criminal convictions that prevent, pursuant to current provisions, the establishment of an employment relationship with the public administration.

The specific requirements for access to the OSS position are the following:

  • fulfillment of compulsory schooling;
  • possession ofqualification certificate of “Socio-Health Worker”acquired from a recognized professional institute, or equivalent qualification;
  • possession of driving license cat. B valid and available to drive.

ASP Competition North Modena Area, 42 OSS: application

The application for participation must be sent exclusively electronically through the InPA Portal, by connecting to this address and accessing the procedure via SPID, CIE, CNS or eIDAS.

To participate, payment of a fee is required competition fee of 10 euros, to be carried out via PagoPA following the instructions provided in the announcement. It will be possible to apply until 1pm on July 24, 2024.

As anticipated, candidates will be able to send a single question indicating only one of the locations provided for in the tender. If you do not make a choice you will participate directly for the ASP of the Modena Municipalities in the Northern Area.

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ASP North Modena Area Competition, 42 OSS: tests

The selection will be divided into:

  • a written test;
  • an oral test.

There written test will have a theoretical-practical nature and will consist of a series of multiple choice or open-ended questions, with particular reference to cases related to case management and the definition of intervention methodologies, typical of home, residential and semi-residential services aimed at non-self-sufficient elderly people or “fragile” elderly people and/or suffering from serious health pathologies, or disabled and very seriously disabled people and home services for disabled adults or those in a condition of mental or social distress or suffering from serious health pathologies. The test will be passed with a score of at least 21/30.

There oral exam will consist of an interdisciplinary interview on the subjects of the written test. During the oral test, knowledge of the English language and the use of the main IT equipment and applications will also be assessed. The oral test will also be considered passed with a score of at least 21/30.

ASP North Modena Area Competition, 42 OSS: calendar and testing locations

The written test will be held on July 29, 2024starting at 10 am, in the Rita Levi auditorium
Montalcini in Mirandola. Any changes in location will be promptly communicated to
candidates by publishing a specific information note on the InPA website and on the institutional website of ASP Comuni Modenesi Area Nord.

The procedures for carrying out the written test will be communicated by publication on the “InPA” portal and on the institutional website of the lead body by 5.00 pm on 25 July 2024, together with the list of those admitted to the selection. The results of the test will be published on July 30, 2024, again on the aforementioned sites.

The oral test will be held starting from 22 August 2024 starting at 9:00 in the meeting room of the Casa Residenza Cisa, via Dante Alighieri n.4 in Mirandola, according to a calendar that will be communicated together with the publication of those admitted to the oral exam.

ASP North Modena Area Competition, 42 OSS: how to prepare

The volume

OSS The Social Health Worker – Theoretical-practical manual for competitions and training

is divided into three Parts, each of which develops the theoretical contents and allows the evaluation of learning through multiple choice and short answer tests, exercises, case analysis: the first part concerns the transversal knowledge necessary to fit into the health and social context and in the organizations where the OSS will carry out its activity; the second Part introduces the concept of needs and their satisfaction and describes methods and tools for work organization and team integration; the third Part develops the healthcare aspects and describes the procedures of greatest interest. The Manual is also available on Amazon


QUIZ for OSS competitions

contains over 5000 multiple choice questions divided by subject and extensively commented, in order to facilitate a systematic review of the topics. Further quizzes, simulations and additional content of interest for preparing for the competition are available in the online section. >> Amazon link

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