The people of Fausto Coppi: 2,150 cyclists from 36 nations expected

For 2,150 cycling enthusiasts from 36 nations it will be a challenge with themselves, for Cuneo and its valleys an extraordinary opportunity for promotion. On Sunday (30 June) the 35th edition of the international cycling granfondo La Fausto Coppi will bring cyclists from the “a” of Albania to the “u” of Hungary to the capital: everyone will line up at the start at 7 in Piazza Galimberti in “passion red” jerseys.

A few rides to get to the roundabout of the Soleri viaduct, where the granfondo (177 km and 4,125 meters of altitude difference), medium distance (111 km and 2,510 meters of altitude difference) and Fauniera Classic routes, a non-competitive new entry of 101 km with the single ascent of the Fauniera hill. Participants in the granfondo will “warm up” on the asperities of the Valmala sanctuary and Piatta Soprana before tackling the two climbs also included in the medium distance, Colle Fauniera and Madonna del Colletto.

Yesterday the organizers of the race, forced to deal with the slowdowns of construction sites in the Arma valley due to bad weather, announced the neutralization of the first 6.5 km of the Fauniera descent, which will have to be tackled at a maximum speed of 20 km/h, in compliance with the highway code. The electronic controls positioned at 2,481 meters of the hill and further downstream will record the passages for the final ranking. «Safety has always been the first of our thoughts, and this decision, taken in agreement with the prefecture, the Municipality of Demonte, the race management and the managers of the construction sites on the Fauniera road, was the best possible to guarantee it – say Davide Lauro and Emma Mana, president and vice-president of the ASD Fausto Coppi on the road -. We are confident that participants will understand and respect the rules.”

There is anticipation in the city – the jerseys from past editions have appeared in shop windows, finding a hotel room for the weekend is almost impossible – for a granfondo which is in the hearts of the people of Cuneo for its ability to enhance the territory and bringing different worlds together. It will happen again this year, with a rich program of events that will make La Fausto Coppi Officine Mattio a pop party.

After the inclusive hot air balloon flights in Piazza Galimberti on Thursday afternoon, the village will open on Friday at 4pm, and at 6pm the second edition of the Teobike Balocco, a ride for children aged 6 to 12 who will wear a yellow jersey like that of the Tour de France passing through Granda next Monday. On Saturday at 10.30am the «gravellata del Comunissare», a ride in the Gesso and Stura river park with the former professional cyclist Marco Saligari, who will be at the start on Sunday, as well as the former walker Elisa Rigaudo, among the protagonists on Saturday at 6pm .30 of the Olympic parade. With her the alpine skiing champion Marta Bassino and numerous Cuneo Olympians, who will parade from Via Roma towards Piazza Galimberti with children with disabilities from the associations belonging to CSV Cuneo. Program on, updates on the iGate app.

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