Tornado over Rovigo, roofs uncovered, cars damaged and flooded streets: the video photo gallery

Tornado in Rovigo

After the one that fell on Melara a few days agoanother whirlwind hit Polesine this morning, Tuesday 24 June 2024, leaving a trail of damage not only in Rovigobut also in Lusia and Lendinara.

Tornado over Rovigo: roofs torn off, cars damaged and streets flooded

Very strong wind, rain, hail and a whirlwind hit Polesine this morning. The tornado caused extensive damage, especially in the capital: various infrastructures, including the Marabin bridge, were damaged and closed. From Rovigo, the whirlwind then moved rapidly towards Boara Polesine, Cantonazzo, Granzette and finally to Lusia and Lendinara.

Jerry Ercolini’s video published on Facebook:

Extensive damage to the Aliper shopping center

The strong wind blew off the roofs of warehouses and, in a shopping centre, Aliper, the windows exploded.

The images of the damage to the shopping center posted by Carlo Ronzino.

The video posted on the BPP Meteo group:

Over 100 requests for help to the firefighters

In Rovigo, beyond 100 calls for help have reached the fire brigade due to the whirlwind and water bomb which hit the city and the province in the late morning.

The whirlwind in Rovigo

Fortunately, at the moment no injuries were reported. The requests for help mainly concern flooding, uncovered roofs, unsafe trees and water damage. The most affected areas are the city of Rovigo and the municipalities of Lendinara And Lusia, from which the greatest number of calls come.

Flooded streets

The Rovigo fire brigade command has strengthened the rescue device with teams from neighboring commands. The rescue operations are coordinated from the crisis room by the commander of the Rovigo fire brigade, Claudio Fortucci, in contact with the prefecture and the civil protection representative.

Warehouses uncovered

The municipality of Rovigo: “Avoid leaving home”

In a note released on Facebook, the Municipality of Rovigo alerts citizens to the critical issues the city is facing and invites everyone not to leave their homes and not put themselves in danger.

“Rovigo submerged by water
The strong thunderstorms and cloudbursts with gusts of wind and even whirlwinds that have hit our territory in recent hours have caused a truly emergency situation.
All local police patrols, in coordination with the various law enforcement agencies and with the support of civil protection volunteers, are in the area to try to deal with a situation that has never been seen before.
All the underpasses and many streets, including those in the centre, are flooded. Citizens are therefore advised to limit going out of their homes, to avoid putting themselves in danger and creating traffic blockages, giving the operators the opportunity to work to try to bring back what first, the situation returns to normal.”

Roads closed in Lendinara

The mayor of Lendinara announced the closure of some roads due to bad weather, as the Civil Protection announced on Facebook.

“Due to the bad weather, traffic was interrupted in some sections of the roads:

  • Via Fossello
  • Via Candio
  • Via Marche Fave

There are also problems with traffic on the SR88 at the intersection with Via Aldo Moro. Citizens are asked to pay maximum attention.”

The images of the whirlwind

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