Administrative, minister Fitto: Great satisfaction for Adriana Poli Bortone, mayor of Lecce

Administrative, minister Fitto: Great satisfaction for Adriana Poli Bortone, mayor of Lecce
Administrative, minister Fitto: Great satisfaction for Adriana Poli Bortone, mayor of Lecce

Administrative, minister Fitto: Great satisfaction for Adriana Poli Bortone, mayor of Lecce

“I express great satisfaction with the election of Adriana Poli Bortone as mayor of Lecce.

“It is clear that the people of Lecce have rewarded the unity of the coalition, but above all the experience and driving force that Adriana has as human and political characteristics.

“I am sure that, starting from the next few days, we will work together well to maintain the commitments made during the electoral campaign.” What? Minister Raffaele Fitto comments on Lecce’s victory.

Pagliaro: “Adriana mayor of Lecce, a great victory. never had any doubts”

Note from Paolo Pagliaro, regional councilor and president of the Salento Region Movement

«Lecce asked us for a change and we put the unity of the centre-right on the scales, a very precious value that allowed us to achieve this extraordinary result. I am proud to have been instrumental in achieving the unity that has become the winning weapon and will also be so for the next competitions.
The centre-left thought they could win but already in the first round the people of Lecce demonstrated that they wanted the centre-right, who could have closed the game immediately if it hadn’t been for a handful of votes. And then at the ballot they reiterated it. The will of the people of Lecce is clear, clear and limpid: they expressed it by drawing a pitiful veil over the electoral campaign of the centre-left which raised its tone precisely because he was afraid of losing the competition.
As Giorgia Meloni said, and in this case it is a phrase that fits perfectly: “They saw us coming but they were not able to stop us”. Here it is the wind of change that has swept away the past. We won. Now let’s enjoy the result.
There will be time to carry out accurate political analyzes and build the future of our Lecce, now let’s enjoy this victory together with the new mayor of Lecce, Adriana Poli Bortone.
I thank all the candidates of the coalition, but I want to pay particular and dutiful praise to those on my list, the Salento Region Movement, who were the protagonists of this winning ride. We worked as a team, all for one and one for all and as a team we will always be present as our history teaches. Whoever was elected will represent everyone.
Thank you all. We look forward. The wind of change is blowing strongly in Lecce and the city is already shining with a new light. Good job to our mayor Adriana Poli Bortone.
From tomorrow we will be on the field for the next challenges, for us it is always an electoral campaign. Commitment and passion with loyalty and honor.”

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