Meeting between Inail and Cisl Marche: concrete actions to prevent accidents at work

Meeting between Inail and Cisl Marche: concrete actions to prevent accidents at work
Meeting between Inail and Cisl Marche: concrete actions to prevent accidents at work

MARCHE – Concrete actions on the health front prevention of accidents at work and professional illnesses, not reactions linked perhaps to yet another tragic event. This is what emerged from the meeting to discuss possible synergies and interventions, which took place in recent days, between Inail Marcherepresented by the regional director Piero Iacono and a delegation from Cisl Marche led by the general secretary Marco Ferracuti, with him present Luca Talevi regional secretary CISL and the coordinator of the Inas patronage Paolo Appolloni.

Two hours of analysis of the situation, of the data linked to accidents, near-misses, near-misses, and occupational diseases, the highlighting of the need to create synergies between the institutional and social forces in the field and the emergence of proposals linked to the experimentation of activities capable of impacting the social and entrepreneurial fabric.

There is a shared desire to create information initiatives in high schools and universities to explain to young people what to do and what to avoid once they enter the world of work, both from the point of view of the employee and the entrepreneur.

Particular attention is evidently paid to companies and the need to monitor and evaluate all that series of episodes (precisely “near accidents”) which are often archived under the heading “how lucky, nothing serious happened” and which instead should be analyzed to implement useful measures to eliminate a source of risk. Risks that can emerge in the short term, such as accidents, or even in the long term as in the case of occupational diseases which must also raise the same social alarm.

«CISL Marche is interested in a project that allows us to change the cultural approach to the topic of accidents at work and professional diseases, it is interested in supporting an educational path that starts from schools – observes Marco Ferracuti, general secretary of CISL Marche – Information in schools e particular attention in companies with initiatives aimed at both workers and entrepreneurs. Increase moments of confrontation to reduce the number of tragedies. A sustainable goal by joining forces.”

The director of Inail Marche Piero Iacono: «Inail Marche, in line with the national philosophy of the Institute, has always supported those policies that produce results in terms of reducing accidents at work and occupational diseases. Financing to support companies that make investments in terms of workplace safety, awareness campaigns to highlight the need for appropriate behavior in the workplace».

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