Franesco Matacena is the new mayor

Francesco Matacena it’s the new one mayor of Aversa. In the end, after less than an hour of counting, the result was clear. Antonio Farinaro he didn’t manage the miracle of overturning the prediction from the day before which saw him at a clear disadvantage. In the first round, in fact, fifteen days ago, the polls yielded a 49.4% for Matacena compared to just under 26% for Farinaro.

If it is true that the run-off round is something else, as both challengers underlined, it is also true that the president of the council of the order of chartered accountants of Naples North had an advantage and by a lot. In the end 57.7% voted for Matacena of those who went to the polls, while for Farinaro 42.29%. In the end, there was around two thousand votes between the two contenders.

Farinaro, supported by the government centre-right with the exception of Forza Italia, conducted an electoral campaign without saving energy, but the campaign put in place by Matacena was a real war machine with 7 supporting lists, some of which were very strong, like that of Moderate Aversa inspired by the regional councilor of Mondragone Giovanni Zannini who, now, in fact, is the true political godfather of this coalition who cannot fail to listen to the advice that will come from the Domitian coast.


With the accountant’s victory, the new Council also emerged: 5 seats for Aversa Moderata: Giovanni Innocenti (the most voted ever with over 900 preferences, almost certainly future president of the city assembly), Olga Diana, Pietro Giglio, Domenica Pisano, Lucia Aversano: 3 seats for Noi Aversani: Francesco Sagliocco (probable councilor in the new council), Federica Turco, Antonio Ivan Giglio: 2 seats for Imagine Aversa: Massimo Palazzo and Raffaele Oliva: 2 seats for Aversa Italia: Adele Ferrara and Massimo Virgilio; 2 seats for Forza Azzurra: Luigi Dello Vicario and Francesco Di Virgilio: 1 seat for the Center for Aversa: Raffaele De Gaetano. Up to this point the majority, to which the opposition councilors are added: 1 seat for the Farinaro Mayor list: Nicla Virgilio; 2 seats for Brothers of Italy: Imma Lama and the centre-right mayoral candidate Antonio Farinaro; 2 seats for Forza Aversa: Dino Carratù and Carla Palmiero; the centre-left mayoral candidate Mauro Baldascino; 2 seats for the Democratic Party: Marco Girone and Elena Caterino; 1 seat for Politics that serves: Mario De Michele. The last three names are of as many councilors who were part of the last executives of the majority led by the then Dem Alfonso Golia.

With the former mayor also two other former councilors from the last majority: Giovanni Innocenti And Francesco Sagliocco. Sagliocco himself could be one of the members of the new council. Among the other accredited names are those of the Partenope teacher Mariano D’Amore, Alfonso Oliva (with the position of deputy mayor), Raffaele De Gaetano and Imma Dello Iacono. In the Council Francesco Matacena will be able to count on a majority of 15 councillors in addition to your vote.

There will be nine opposition councilors between the centre-right and centre-left including the two defeated candidates Farinaro And Baldascino. The candidate for mayor of Il Basilisco was unable to enter the Council again. And it is precisely this very large majority that according to some insiders could even be a hindrance for the new mayor. In fact, there are many who aspire to join the executive and make no secret of it and if stomach aches were to arise, what occurred with the last three administrations could happen again (no one hopes for it for the good of Aversa), starting from the one directed by the late Peppe Sagliocco to that of Alfonso Goliath passing through that of Enrico De Cristofaro.


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