horns and fireworks against Gengaro’s headquarters

First the teasing from the cars, then the fireworks positioned right in front of the opposing electoral committee, finally the close contact between the two sets of fans. Piazza Libertà appears, fortunately for a few minutes, as one of the worst curves in football where fairplay and civility give way to primordial and violent instincts. The worst page of the entire electoral campaign was written in the main agora of the city.

From the procession of Laura Nargi’s supporters, heading to Piazza del Popolo to celebrate in front of the entrance to the Municipality, some people broke away to position batteries of fireworks on the steps of Piazza Libertà, those that line the flowerbeds cultivated by the Bishop, Arturo Aiello, punctually lit and made to shine right in front of the headquarters of the centre-left candidate. A very first provocation that immediately warmed the hearts of those still present in front of the Gengaro committee and alerted the Digos agents present.

Fires and choirs to which, on the other side, some they responded by showing their hands crossed with closed fists, to mime handcuffs. This was enough to trigger the fury of other participants in the procession who attempted to make physical contact with the representatives of the opposing party. Insults and shoving under the astonished eyes of passers-by and traders and with the Digos agents who, not without difficulty, intervened between the two groups to prevent the situation from degenerating further. To calm the evidently fiery spirits, other supporters of Nargi and Gengaro shook hands to give a signal of pacification.
A gesture which, together with the arrival of several police patrols, contributed to the procession moving towards Piazza del Popolo. That the climate in the city was tense, to put it mildly, was clear since the afternoon.

When the data began to lean in favor of the former deputy mayor, the committee of the loser, Antonio Gengaro, was targeted by several motoristsevidently supporters of the winning political party, who started shouting derisively, showing the middle finger and even throwing coffee beans specially brought inside a jute bag shouting “now you’ve lost, go to work” .

While the losers definitively closed the doors of the Piazza Libertà committee, the winners continued their celebrations in front of another door, that of the Town Hall, but remaining on the threshold. In fact, by order of the commissioner, since the polling station closing operations had not yet been definitively completed and there had not yet been any proclamation, no one was able to set foot inside the Palace. Unlike five years ago.


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