“Drug dealers to be reinstated? The usual feel-good ideology”

Mayor Andrea Biancani’s statements regarding the problem of drug dealing in Miralfiore, where, last Friday, in the woods between Via Solferino and Via Cimarosa, the lifeless body of a 44-year-old from Pesaro, who died of an overdose, was found, have sparked an avalanche of protests. Marco Lanzi, former police commissioner, new municipal councilor attacks head-on: “There is a number, unfortunately dramatic – says Lanzi – which worries operators in the field of narcotics: twelve. More and more young people, from 12 to 25 years old, therefore from the adolescent until the consolidation of development at a psychological and neurological level, those who sell drugs kill and destroy the lives of our young people before being integrated into the world of work with the support of the municipality’s social services and therefore with the community’s money should first of all spend a quite a bit of time in prison.”

From Rome, the Honorable Antonio Baldelli was preparing to comment negatively on the mayor’s exit. “Even the Pesaro left seems to embrace the ‘Salis model’ – observes the deputy –. What the mayor said regarding drug dealing in the Miralfiore park and the desire to ‘integrate’ the drug dealers is particularly serious. Totally out of place given that not even three days ago the body of a 44-year-old who died was found, most likely due to an overdose and the devastating message of impunity he sends to the entire Pesaro community. You cannot reach out to those who sell death a truly strange, I would say distorted, idea of ​​legality and safety of the city. If this is the debut, I fear for the near future of Pesaro. But I hope for a serious reflection.”

From Ancona the regional councilor, Nicola Baiocchi, is astonished: “The new mayor of Pesaro is off to a very bad start – observes Baiocchi, echoing the utterances of Andrea Biancani, after his death from an overdose and the phenomenon of drug dealing which has characterized the area for years environment of the Miralfiore Park -. Placing sellers of death like drug dealers and drug users on the same level seems madness to me. Dear Biancani, pushers should be arrested and not integrated and I would have expected other words from the mayor.” Baiocchi replies to the mayor’s words that “to combat drug dealing, sealing off the park would not solve the problem – said the mayor – but would only serve to move it to other neighbourhoods”. Then Biancani, in the interview published yesterday in Carlino, also said: “If there are drug dealers it is because there are people who buy drugs. The pushers – said Biancani – have nothing to lose, they are often foreigners. They must be integrated in the world of work because it is necessary to recover these people who live illegally. For those who take drugs, however, awareness must be raised among young and old”. Words that did not please Baiocchi, who accused the municipal administration of having always underestimated the problem: “For at least 10 years we have been bringing the problem to the attention of the administration and it has never been seriously analysed” concludes Baiocchi. Serena Boresta, municipal secretary of Fratelli d’Italia, fully agrees with what Baiocchi said and adds: “The broken life of a young man from Pesaro pains us deeply. Given the facts, it is necessary to intervene immediately”.

“On drug dealing, the new mayor Biancani has disconcerting and disturbing words – the thrust also comes from the municipal leaders of the League, Dario Andreolli and Silvana Ghiretti -. We note that for Biancani, integration means finding jobs for those who deal and that to protect the our young people, instead of declaring all-out war against the sellers of death, also want to dismantle those few active security facilities. But Biancani really wants us to believe, in the name of the do-gooder ideology, that he is not aware of the drug dealing that constantly takes place in the area. Miralfiore Park?”.


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