Milan stadium. Ok to the program agreement

Milan stadium. Ok to the program agreement
Milan stadium. Ok to the program agreement

As announced, the Lombardy Region approved yesterday, on the proposal of President Attilio Fontana, with the concert of councilors Massimo Sertori, Claudia Maria Terzi, Gianluca Comazzi and Franco Lucente, the resolution which provides for adhesion to the Program Agreement for the construction of the new AC Milan stadium in the San Francesco area promoted by the Municipality of San Donato Milanese. An adhesion that follows that of the Ferrovie dello Stato Group.

“The program agreement – ​​we read in the note issued yesterday by Palazzo Lombardia – is aimed at the implementation of the proposed variation to the Integrated Intervention Plan in the San Francesco area of ​​San Donato Milanese which provides for the construction of the new AC Milan stadium”. “The entire intervention is entirely the responsibility of the private proponent – and it is an investment of 1.2 billion euros – and does not present any financial burden for the Lombardy Region. The resolution delegates the councilor for Local Authorities, Montagna , Energy Resources, Use of Water Resources, Massimo Sertori, to chair the sessions of the Committee for the Agreement”.

“We are asked to move forward – commented governor Fontana – and we are moving forward. We will not be the ones to influence Milan’s choices. However, it seems to me that the determination to continue on this path is there, but I believe that Milan will also evaluate the proposal developed by We Build on the renovation of the San Siro stadium. But – concludes the president – ​​these are choices that do not concern the Region, we stick to the administrative paths aimed at supporting the projects for the valorisation of our territories” .


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