E.Romagna, ok for prophylaxis with monoclonals against the syncytial virus

BOLOGNA (ITALPRESS) – The Health Policy Commission of the Legislative Assembly of Emilia Romagna has unanimously approved the resolution first signed by Ottavia Soncini (Pd) for prophylaxis campaigns on newborns with monoclonal antibodies to prevent the syncytial virus. “The RSV (syncytial virus) infection – specifies Soncini – represents the first cause of bronchiolitis and therefore of hospitalization in children under one year of age, causing breathing difficulties in 6 out of 10 children in the first year of life and in almost all by the second year. Globally, every year, RSV causes approximately 33 million cases of lower respiratory tract infections requiring medical attention, 3.6 million hospitalizations and deaths among children under the age of 5. over 100 thousand children.

The induced cost is approximately 4.82 billion euros”. The policy document, also signed by PD councilors Marcella Zappaterra, Mirella Dalfiume, Stefano Caliandro, Manuela Rontini, Marco Fabbri and Stefania Bondavalli (Bonaccini List), asks ” the necessary resources in order to guarantee the offer of this new fundamental possibility of prevention for the next winter season, with the aim of protecting children from a very common and potentially dangerous infection which, in a non-negligible part of cases, requires hospitalization and admission to intensive care, with oxygen and ventilatory support, and to make it possible to offer Italian children the same health opportunities as other European children, while at the same time avoiding differences between the different Regions”. “Hoping for transposition on the part of the government for an intervention on a national basis – concludes Soncini – and in the awareness that various Regions are proceeding independently, I address an equal operational commitment to the regional executive for the finding of resources in the next budget forecast “to be allocated to the strategy of universal prevention of RSV diseases for all newborns, through the administration of Nirsevimab in hospital, before discharge from the maternity ward, or in local services or at the pediatrician of free choice”. – Photo press office of the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia Region – Romagna- (ITALPRESS). col3/com 24-Jun-24 12:51 .

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