Monza: Royal Palace employees save a baby kestrel

Rescue in extremis today in the Royal Gardens“: in extremis and exceptional, since what was made safe was a baby kestrel which had unfortunately fallen from the nest in the Monza park. The nest is also exceptional, to be honest: the small birds of prey are growing inside a crack between the bricks at the top of the Visconti turretwhich is located inside the Royal Gardens.

THE kestrels they are found practically all over the world and it is not uncommon to find them even in partially urbanized areas: in recent years they have been also spotted in the center of Monza. The breeding season begins in spring and they are birds known for not building their own nests. Often, in reality, they use abandoned nests of other species or cracks in walls, cornices, tree cavities. A masonry with a cavity, alternatively, as happened at the Royal Gardens. That’s where the two baby kestrels are growing up, but one of them has been found on the groundnot yet able to fly, on Sunday 23 June.

Monza: Royal Palace employees save a baby kestrel at the Torretta

There Visconti turret it is not exactly Visconti (the lords of Milan held the city and the relevant territory between the end of 1200 and the beginning of 1300), but it was built designed by the architect Luigi Canonica, then updated by Giacomo Tazzinipresumably after 1822 and before 1825as part of the development of the Park, following the neo-Gothic taste.

And then: after having found the specimen of kestreli employees of the Monza Park they mobilized and even managed to bring an elevator inside the Royal Gardens: with this they reached the crack in the tower and brought the rapaciouswho otherwise would almost certainly have died. “The baby kestrel has found a home in the Torretta Viscontea, a big thank you to the employees of the #reggiadimonza park for their sensitivity and diligence” in fact the Royal Palace wrote on social media.

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