Dolomite Grand Slam: victory for Giovanni De Bon and Cecilia De Filippo | Bellunopress

Dolomite Grand Slam: victory for Giovanni De Bon and Cecilia De Filippo | Bellunopress
Dolomite Grand Slam: victory for Giovanni De Bon and Cecilia De Filippo | Bellunopress

In Domegge di Cadore, the fifth test of the circuit that combines running and cycling. Next appointment in Comelico with Pedalonga

The fifth round of the first edition of the “Grand Slam Dolomitico” took place on Sunday 23 June, the twelve-stage circuit that combines cycling and running and the territories of Cadore, Comelico and Carnia, in some of the most evocative mountain locations between Veneto and Friuli .

The competition took place in Vallesella di Domegge di Cadore: the March of San Giovanni, a running race valid for the Enrico Cian Toma Trophy, was on the programme, organized by the Domegge section of the Abvs (Belluno Blood Donors Association). The route wound from the sports facilities of Vallesella to Piazza dei Martiri in Domegge, then touching the towns of Ciaupe, Ponte, Navarre and then taking path 347 – Via Crucis and arriving at the finish line near the Eremo dei Romiti, a refuge located at 1,164 meters above sea level on Monte Froppa which constitutes a suggestive balcony over the mountains of Centro Cadore. The kilometers are 5.2, for 476 meters of altitude difference.

120 competitors at the start. Among the men, success for Giovanni De Bon in 30’25″5. On the podium with the athlete from Cadore were Luca Mosena from Zoldo (31’01″9) and another from Cadore, Davide Nardei (31’31″7). Among women, success for Cecilia De Filippo (36’10″6) over Camilla Martignon (37’32″5) and Laura Mazzoleni Ferracini (40’55″2).

In addition to the first in the two absolute rankings, the best donors were also awarded: Davide Nardei and Liliana Fedon.

The next Grand Slam event is scheduled for Saturday 20 July in Comelico with Pedalonga and Pedarun.

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