CASERTA – Rotary Club Caserta Luigi Vanvitelli, on 26 June the passing of the Collar between the president Gianluca Parente and the new president Gabriella Montanaro


The suggestive location of the Masseria A’ Quaranta Resort in San Marco Evangelista will be the setting for the ceremony of the Passing of the Collar of the Rotary Club Caserta Luigi Vanvitelli, which will take place on Wednesday evening 26 June 2024. This event, which represents a significant moment in the life of every Rotary club, will see the handover between the outgoing president Gianluca Parente and the new president Gabriella Montanaro.

The ceremony is a solemn and symbolic occasion during which the outgoing president officially transfers the responsibilities and honor of leadership to the new president. It is a moment of reflection on the successes achieved in the past year and of enthusiasm for new future initiatives.

Numerous personalities from the Rotary, institutional, civil, military and religious world will be present at the event, as well as members and friends of the club. The presence of these important figures underlines the importance of the Rotary Club Caserta Luigi Vanvitelli in the local community and its continuous commitment to service and social development projects.

The ceremony will open with institutional greetings and speeches by representatives of the various institutions present. This will be followed by a speech by Gianluca Parente, literature teacher at the Liceo Manzoni in Caserta, who will take stock of his mandate and present the goals achieved by the club during the Rotarian Year 2023/2024. Subsequently, the handover ceremony of the Collar will be held, with the official investiture of Gabriella Montanaro as the new president and the presentation of the team. The evening will end with a convivial moment, which will allow participants to share experiences and future projects.

The Rotary Club of Caserta Luigi Vanvitelli is proud to continue its mission of service and to promote the values ​​of friendship, integrity and leadership. The new president, Gabriella Montanaro, teacher of foreign languages ​​at the ITS Buonarroti of Caserta, as well as a freelance journalist, will continue the club’s activities with commitment and dedication, working in synergy with all the members and local institutions.

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