Sexual abuse (for years) on a girl of only 11 years old. The sentence arrives: she will serve 9 years in prison

Sexual abuse (for years) on a girl of only 11 years old. The sentence arrives: she will serve 9 years in prison
Sexual abuse (for years) on a girl of only 11 years old. The sentence arrives: she will serve 9 years in prison

ANCONA – For years he sexually abused an 11-year-old girl, niece of the woman he lived with. Now she will have to serve 9 years in prison and pay a fine of 40 thousand euros. Yesterday, the man was arrested by the Flying Squad of the Ancona Police Headquarters.

The story

The detention order was issued following a final conviction by the Court of Cassation, which took place on 7 June. The man was sentenced to nine years in prison and a fine of 40,000 euros for aggravated and continuous sexual violence against a minor, an eleven-year-old girl at the time of the events. The victim is the granddaughter of the man’s partner, who took advantage of the domestic relationship and the girl’s psychological inferiority to perpetrate the abuse. The latter, which began in 2007, have been consumed for years, including through the use of drugs and alcohol. The man was also found guilty of the crime of child pornography, in violation of article 600 ter of the penal code.

The detention provision provides, as accessory penalties, perpetual disqualification from the office of guardian, curator and support administrator, as well as from any position in schools of all levels and from any office or service in institutions or other structures attended by minors . The man will also be subject to legal disqualification during his sentence and to perpetual disqualification from holding public office.

After serving the sentence, the security measure of restriction of movement and free movement will be applied, including the ban on approaching places frequented by minors. Furthermore, the man will have the obligation to inform the public security bodies about his residence and movements for a period of two years.

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