Mestre bus massacre, the prosecutor blocks the video of the fall: “Too much shock”

Mestre bus massacre, the prosecutor blocks the video of the fall: “Too much shock”
Mestre bus massacre, the prosecutor blocks the video of the fall: “Too much shock”

VENICE – There is a video, which we will probably never see, which tells all the horror of bus massacre Of Mestre. She tells it through the terrified faces of the bus passengers, with every impact against that damned guardrail. We will never see it because for the purposes of the investigation it is, in fact, irrelevant: it is the footage from the internal camera of the La Linea bus that crashed from the overpass last October 3rd. Yesterday, prosecutor Bruno Cherchi explained that he prohibited the diffusion of those dramatic images. «The internal and external cameras also detected what happened inside the vehicle – explained the prosecutor – those images add nothing to the reconstruction of the facts, but it is particularly dramatic because it captures the moment of the collision and the behavior of those who were on the bus, including several minors. I therefore considered it appropriate to prohibit the disclosure and publication of the video by law. And I hope that the press, if it comes into possession of it, will also respect this provision.” Those of the lawyers who were able to view the images confirmed that it is a shocking testimony: some saw their clients in that terrible moment. In recent months, one of the survivors, Marko Bakovic, who had come to Venice on honeymoon with his new bride, Antonella Perkovic, who was seven months pregnant, had told, through his father who had come to assist him in hospital, what he remembered of those instants. The last ones, for him, were spent together with the young woman, who died in the crash.

Mestre bus massacre, the victims’ lawyer: “It was not an accident, there are those who will have to answer”


«At a certain point the bus ended up against the guard rail and began to scrape its side for 30, 40 metres. I stood up, held onto the bar with one hand and held Antonela in my arms with the other. At that moment the bus fell.” From there the hell began. «I had a moment of confusion, a moment of darkness. Then I opened my eyes and saw many dead people around me. I searched for “Nela”, called her, but couldn’t find her. The flames and smoke started rising, I couldn’t see anything anymore, I couldn’t breathe and I jumped out. At that point I saw the rescuers, those two boys who intervened first. I injured my chest and at one point I lost consciousness. I found myself in hospital and at that point I discovered that my Antonela hadn’t made it.”


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The Gazzettino

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