Ballot in Florence, hundreds of people for the closure of Schmidt’s electoral campaign: “Winning is possible”

«We have the chance to win: it’s not a given that we will win, but for the first time the opportunity is truly concrete. I believe it”. As, Eike Schmidt at the Central Club delle Cascine he ends his electoral campaign towards the run-off which will be held tomorrow and Monday, in front of a few hundred supporters: «If immediately after the first round, someone in our coalition was overcome by a certain pessimism, in these In the last two weeks the enthusiasm has grown a lot.”

Among many supporters of the civic list and center-right parties and among the elected and non-elected candidates for the city council, The absence of the big names at the party stands out. The FdI parliamentarian Paolo Marcheschi and the former undersecretary Guglielmo Picchi are the only exceptions to the Roman silence: does the center-right believe little in it or did Schmidt want to underline his civic profile? He says: «I am the candidate, I need to be there. I don’t know if my opponent will want to call Schlein every time she needs him, I certainly won’t behave like this: as mayor I will talk to the citizens, the economic operators, the associations, my civic list, the parties, even the political parties. opposition with whom there are programmatic similarities on many points.”

While lyrical arias and old Italian melodic songs flow from the stage, among the high heels of the ladies and many calf-length trousers among the men, many in the garden of the Central Club for the evening of honor took out their good clothes, even if someone in a European climate shows up with the German national team shirt in homage to the mayoral candidate.

Schmidt, in a blue suit, shakes handsthe voters who repeat to him “we win, we win!”. The atmosphere is cheerful, rather than politics, the banquet is in command, even if we are far from the splendor of the closing evenings of the old centre-right electoral campaigns, those financed by the now former city councilor Mario Razzanelli: appetizer and first course are offered to the crowd , and it’s not cheap, but there’s only one free drink each. Maybe it’s because compared to the past the crowd this time is really big and bottles of prosecco are going away in rivers at the bar. At the last moment also comes the surprise blow: if Silvio Berlusconi in 2006 pulled out the repeal of the IMU at the last minute, Schmidt winks at the good hearts of the Florentines and proposes, with 6 million euros of investment, to create a public animal hospital who don’t have an owner or for owners who don’t have money to look after their animal.

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