Potenza, post office in the province devastated by an attempted robbery: these are the latest news

To the request of Uil Pensioners is also added that of regional and provincial secretariats Failp Cisal, Slc Cgil and Uil Poste and the mayor of Rionero in Vulture, Mario Di Nittowho in a note denounce the state of abandonment in which the Rionero in Vulture post office finds itself following the attack on the postamat on 22 February.

Below is the note.

“For months, the heart of the Rionero community is paralyzed.

From February 22nd, the central post office in via Taverna Penta is closed, devastated by an attempted robbery which saw the ATM explode and significant structural damage.

Since, no sign of restoration work, no response to requests from citizens and local authorities.

The Mayor of Rionero, Mario Di Nittorecently decided to intervene with a letter addressed to the Prefect and the Management of Poste Italiane.

A desperate request that reveals the ineffectiveness of the Italian Post Office and the indifference towards a community of 13,000 inhabitants, forced to use the small and inadequate peripheral office.

Below is the full text of Mayor Di Nitto’s letter.

‘In a letter addressed to the Prefect and the General Management of Poste Italiane, Mayor Mario Di Nitto denounces the inconvenience caused by the closure of the central post office since 22 February.

Despite repeated requests and a collection of signaturesnothing was done to restore office functionalityforcing citizenship to long waits and to using an inadequate peripheral office.

Di Nitto urges immediate intervention to resolve the situation.

Photographic images taken on June 20, 2024 clearly show that no restoration work has been starteddespite the sign posted at the entrance to the post office promising a reopening by 29 June 2024.

The frustration among residents is palpable and growing.

Failp Cisal, Slc Cgil and Uil Poste join Mayor Di Nitto in asking for the immediate start of the works.

‘How can you leave a community of 13,000 without essential postal service for over three months?’ – ask the unions, expressing a sentiment shared by all citizens.

The Rionero community can no longer wait.

The Italian Post Office must intervene immediately to restore an essential service.

Patience is over, promises are no longer enough.

It’s time to concrete actions to put an end to this organizational disaster and restore citizens’ right to a functioning postal service’”.

Here are the photos still showing the Rionero Post Office.

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