The Proximity Office for judicial services was inaugurated in Luino

The Proximity Office for judicial services was inaugurated in Luino
The Proximity Office for judicial services was inaugurated in Luino

The Proximity Office for judicial services was inaugurated today, Friday 21 June, at the offices of the Justice of the Peace in via Asmara 56 in Luino: a new information desk that will offer citizens support (non-legal) and the possibility of filing documents of voluntary jurisdiction at the Court of Varese, representing an important step towards bringing justice closer to citizens.

The mayor of Luino, Enrico Bianchi, attended the inauguration ceremonythe deputy mayor Antonella Sonnessathe President of the First Civil Section of the Court of Varese Elena Fumagalli, the vice president of the regional council Giacomo Cosentino, Costanza Fioretti of the Office of the Justice of the Peace, who will coordinate the desk, and Riccardo Crosara of Anci Lombardia, the promoter of the initiative in collaboration with the Lombardy Region.

«The creation of the Proximity Office – explained Riccardo Crosara – is part of a broader project, financed by the European Union through the National Operational Program Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014-2020, coordinated by the Ministry of Justice across the entire national territory» .

A «very important initiative for Luino, but also for all 24 municipalities of the Area Plan, in which the deputy mayor Antonella Sonnessa has always believed – opened Bianchi -. It is a precious tool for the population, which will make it possible to streamline many practices and bring citizens closer to justice, closely linked to social issues.”

«As a Region we have joined the project and collaborated profitably with ANCI. We have signed 36 memoranda of understanding between courts and municipalities, with a total of 42 access points, and invested 3 million euros to train the staff who will follow this desk. The objective is to bring services closer to citizens, especially in decentralized areas like Luino, who would otherwise be forced to always go to Varese” Cosentino said.

Following this, the president of the 1st Civil Section of the Court of Varese, Elena Fumagalli, illustrated the context and development of the project: «This project represents a complete collaboration between the local authority and the justice institution. Our section, initially known for family law, today deals with relationship law, offering support even to the weakest individuals who need assistance. It is precisely in this context that the project fits. In 2012, a reform of the judicial geography rationalized the location of the courts across the territory, eliminating that of Luino. We immediately realized that this created a lot of inconvenience for all those citizens who, even just for one instance, were forced to go to Varese. From here the idea of ​​the Proximity Office was born. We thank the Municipality of Luino for having retained the Justice of the Peace and for promoting this Office.”

Deputy mayor Sonnessa also expressed her thanks, reminding us that the desk will be open on Wednesdays and Fridays upon reservation, offering a completely free service.

Present at the ribbon cutting also the Commander of the Carabinieri Station Roberto Notturno, the mayor of Cunardo and president of the Area Plan Pinuccia Mandelli, the mayor of Brezzo di Bedero Daniele Boldrini and the new president of the Luino e Valli Red Cross Luca Gentilini.

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