Barletta – Fratelli d’Italia accuses PD and Forza Italia of plotting against the Cannito administration

Barletta – Fratelli d’Italia accuses PD and Forza Italia of plotting against the Cannito administration
Barletta – Fratelli d’Italia accuses PD and Forza Italia of plotting against the Cannito administration

Barletta – unacceptable criticism of Mayor Cannito

The city councilors of Fratelli d’Italia, Gennaro Cefola, Stella Mele, Luigi Rosario Antonucci and Riccardo Memeo, have issued a harsh press note accusing the Democratic Party (PD) and Forza Italia of having formed an alliance with the aim of destroying the administration led by Mayor Cannito.

According to the advisors of the Brothers of Italy, since the center-right took office, the Cannito administration has been targeted by human and political hatred coming from the PD, influenced by the city councilor Marcello Lanotte. This hatred, they argue, is fueled by the PD’s inability to accept the electoral defeat suffered at the hands of the people of Barletta.

The councilors denounce that the PD, together with some fringes of Forza Italia, has tried to delegitimize the work carried out by the Cannito administration, despite the evident progress and the construction sites started in the city. “The improvement that Barletta has recorded thanks to our work is clear for all to see,” they say in the note.

A central point of the accusations is the alliance between the PD and a part of Forza Italia, defined as “inciucio”, with the sole aim of wearing down the Cannito administration to regain control of the city government. In particular, the councilors remember how Marcello Lanotte, ousted by the majority for his constant requests for ‘power’, found a new ally in the PD.

This alliance, according to Fratelli d’Italia, manifests itself through continuous attacks and threats to bring down the administration early. “The mayor has to face a two-headed political monster on a daily basis,” the councilors denounce.

Fratelli d’Italia does not spare criticism of the PD, accusing it of spreading populist lies through figures such as Rosa Cascella and Santa Scommegna, as well as Lanotte’s “pawns”, including Antonio Comitangelo, Giovanni Ceto and Raffaella Piccolo. The note points the finger at the PD for not having voted for important budget changes in favor of the weakest families, defining it as a party that should be ashamed of its actions.

Despite the difficulties, the advisors of Fratelli d’Italia reiterate their commitment to continue working for the common good. “The city has already paid with irreparable damage for too many failures of mayors and municipal administrations,” they say, underlining the need for stable and transparent governance.

The note concludes with an appeal to citizens not to be fooled by the “power games” of the PD and Forza Italia, promising to continue to denounce what they define as “sleazy games” of their political opponents.

Barletta – unacceptable criticism of Mayor Cannito

ph. Ruggiero Dibenedetto

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