Administrative elections, ballots in Caltanissetta, Gela and Pachino over the weekend – BlogSicilia

Administrative elections, ballots in Caltanissetta, Gela and Pachino over the weekend – BlogSicilia
Administrative elections, ballots in Caltanissetta, Gela and Pachino over the weekend – BlogSicilia

There are three Sicilian municipalities that will go to the ballot for the election of the mayor: in Caltanissetta the comparison will be between Annalisa Maria Petitto and Walter Calogero Tesauro; in Gela, also in the Nisseno area, you will have to choose between Grazia Rita Cosentino and Giuseppe Terenziano Di Stefano; in Pachino, in the province of Syracuse, the candidates are Rosaria Fronterrè and Giuseppe Gambuzza. The polls will be open on Sunday 23 June from 7am to 11pm and on Monday 24th from 7am to 3pm.

During voting operations, four turnout statistics will be published on the portal: at 12.30pm, 7.30pm and 11.30pm on Sunday and at 3.30pm on Monday. The data for the polls which will begin on Monday, immediately after the polls close, will be available on the same site.

Ballot in Caltanissetta, Tesauro and Petitto compete

In the capital of Nisseno the two challengers, Walter Tesauro (34.42%) and Annalisa Petitto (30.82%), from the centre-right and centre-left respectively, delivered the lists with the teams of councillors.

No connection for Tesauro, despite the meetings in recent days with the outgoing mayor of the M5S, Roberto Gambino, who received almost 28% of the votes in the first round. Tesauro’s team is the one presented in the first round: Calogero Adornetto (Fi), Guido Del Popolo on the mayor’s list, Gianluca Bruzzaniti and Toti Petrantoni for FdI, Giovanna Candura vice mayor, Oscar Aiello Lega, Angelo Fasulo from Gela and Saverio Romano at altitude Noi Moderati, Gero Valenza of Mussomeli, at altitude Dc.

New entries instead for Annalisa Petitto. Among the designated councilors were Angelo Failla, who in the first round was among the mayoral candidates, Paola Sanfilippo and Giancarlo Larocca, from the “Future and Democratic Caltanissetta” list, and Salvatore Alù, candidate from the “Nisseno Pride” list. Confirmed are the deputy mayor Salvatore Licata and the councilors Alberto Calafato, Leyla Montagnino, Vincenzo Cancelleri and Carmelo Milazzo. Meanwhile, unlike what happened in Gela, in Caltanissetta there was no marriage between the Five Star Movement and the Democratic Party.

Gela’s challenge

There is also a lot of excitement in Gela where, in this case too, the exponents of the two opposing poles will compete: Grazia Cosentino (32.87%) of the centre-right, and Terenziano Di Stefano (29.26%), of the centre-left. The two candidates have reshaped their respective councils.

The new entries in Grazia Cosentino’s coalition are the Forzista Nadia Gnoffo, the Christian Democrat Vincenzo Cascino and Daniele Scicolone. Confirmation arrives for Vincenzo Casciana (Fratelli d’Italia), the Renzian Nadia Di Francesco, the Melonian Carolina Varchi and the Northern League member Rosaria Duchetta. Terenziano Di Stefano inserts Viviana Altamore and Filippo Franzone. Changing of the guard for the autonomists: Valeria Caci takes over from Rosario Caci. Confirmed are the five-star member Simone Morgana, the dem Giuseppe Arancio, Giuseppe Favitta, an expression of the Communist Party and Luigi Di Dio for Melfa in Action. Di Stefano, therefore, also retained the councilors, reference of the lists that did not pass the threshold. As regards the alliances, to date an agreement has only been found between Filippo Franzone, who ran for mayor and received 7% of the votes, and Terenziano Di Stefano. There is anticipation for the decision of former Forzista Totò Scerra, who, thanks to his 23.45% of the preferences obtained in the first round, is contested by the right and left.

Pachino in no particular order

There was a clash before the elections in Pachino between Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia, who presented themselves to the voters with two candidates for mayor, and it will also be so during the run-off. The Melonians have chosen not to support, in the second round, Giuseppe Gambuzza, a man from Forza Italia, very close to the regional parliamentarian Riccardo Gennuso, who will face Barbara Fronterrè, supported by a heterogeneous coalition, including pieces of the Centre-left, Mpa and DC.

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