Historical re-enactments in the Marche, where to see them in July

Historical re-enactments in the Marche, where to see them in July
Historical re-enactments in the Marche, where to see them in July

Ascoli Piceno, 21 June 2024 – Dalla Quintana carousel of Ascoli Piceno at Medieval festivals Of Offagna (in the province of Ancona) passing through Tracks 1848 (in the province of Macerata) and for the Palio of the Oliva Counts in Piandimeleto (in the province of Pesaro Urbino). It’s historical reenactments which will be staged in July in the Marche.

The appointments

Dates of the Quintana of Ascoli Piceno: Saturday 6 July presentation of the Palio and reading of the challenge announcement. Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th Palio of flag-wavers and musicians, while on Friday 12 July I salute the Madonna della Pace and Saturday 13 Giostra della Quintana in honor of the Madonna della Pace. Friday 16 July presentation of the August joust and Palio of the archers (to follow, Saturday 3 August offering of candles And Sunday 4 August Giostra della Quintana in honor of S. Emidio).

Photographic archive of the Quintana of Ascoli Piceno

A dive into the colours, sounds and emotions of medieval Ascoli. The Quintana knightly tournament is a challenge in which they try their hand six knights, each representing a city district. The jousting consists of hitting with the spear, in three consecutive attacks to be repeated three times each turn (“round”), the Saracen’s target consisting of the shield placed on the Saracen’s left arm. Also not to be missed the Palio of the Flag-wavers. And the historical procession, which involves the whole city. The athletes who perform under the starry sky of Piazza Arringo train all year round, in the five specialties foreseen by the federal regulations and in which they now boast merits and medals at a national level, which enrich the palmàres of the Piceno districts.

Photographic archive of the Quintana of Ascoli Piceno

Photographic archive of the Quintana of Ascoli Piceno

While with his 1,500 participants, who parade in the evocative setting of the historic center wearing splendid costumes from the 1400s, the historic procession stands out for its charm and beauty; in the eyes of the public, the beauty of the ladies, the bearing of the armed men, the knights and the magistracies catch the eye, increasing the emotion.

Historical re-enactment Cingoli 1848: Friday 19th, Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st Julywith the XII Palio Castrum Cinguli.

Tracks 1848

Tracks 1848

Cingoli1848 is a cultural association that aims to carry out research on the peculiarities of the nineteenth-century era, valorising and disseminating them through historical re-enactment, during which one can admire the clothes of the nineteenth-century city authorities, of the common people and the nobles, worn by the figures; you can relive the magic of the grand balls of the time, the game of ball and bracelet, the washing of clothes and duels between gentlemen. Every year, on the third weekend of July, Cingoli1848 offers this show to residents and tourists, in the name of culture, fun and the spirit of aggregation.

Tracks 1848

Tracks 1848

Medieval festivals Offagna: from Saturday 20th to Saturday 27th July. Adventure and wonder, history and tradition in one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Typically medieval village, with its splendid fifteenth-century fortress, dominates the valley and the Marche coast.

Photo of the Offagna historical group

Photo of the Offagna historical group

In the last week of July, on the occasion of the Medieval Festivals, Offagna returns to relive the magic of that middle age which still attracts our senses with the strength of its contrasts: bright colors and dark atmospheres, sumptuous ceremonies and lamentable poverty, crude revelry and sweet religiosity. The program will be released soon on the official website.

Palio of the Oliva Counts: Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th July. In the medieval village of Piandimeleto the noble Oliva family used to celebrate the glorious knights returned victorious from bloody battles with sumptuous banquets, shows of acrobats and skill competitions between the archers who, with pride, competed for the highly coveted Palio, before their lord. Every year, for forty years, the commemoration of these glories takes place in the last weekend of July, in the historic center of Piandimeleto, a careful reconstruction of the market, of the military camp and the presence of groups in costume make you feel the atmosphere of that ancient village again. When the sun goes down they open taverns and cellars while every street is filled with musicians, jesters, flag-wavers, drummers. In the alleys, fortune tellers, pilgrims and torture corners they attract the attention of visitors who can also follow the historical procession, with figures in medieval costume, through the streets of the village. Last, but not least, the challenge between the archers of the four districts that compete in the second evening of the event which, every year, ends by celebrating the winner of the Palio with a pyro-musical show, unique in its kind, where fire, music and lights create the magical atmosphere of the “Castle in flames”. Popular games between the four districts. The Castello, San Biagio, La Torre and Evangelista districts battle it out in a series of physical evidencewith exciting games, every year the people of the Contrada entertain the visitors and compete under the walls of the castle to win the city record. The 2024 program is in progress.

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