Middle Ages in Valvasone, at the helm an expert arriving from Umbria

Middle Ages in Valvasone, at the helm an expert arriving from Umbria
Middle Ages in Valvasone, at the helm an expert arriving from Umbria

The Grup Artistic Furlan has chosen a new artistic director for the historical re-enactment. This is Rodolfo Mantovani

The 32nd edition of Medioevo in Valvasonescheduled from 5 to 8 Septemberit is predicted full of novelty, both in the streets of the village and behind the scenes. Precisely on the organizational front, it stands out the choice of a new artistic director, Rodolfo Mantovani.

This year the Grup Artistic Furlanwho takes care of the event, took an important step forward by choosing an expert in the world of historical re-enactments which, not surprisingly, comes from the beating heart of these events in Italy, that is Umbria with its medieval villages.

Bringing innovation to traveling shows and the care of the displays

The idea behind Mantovani’s choice is bring innovation both in the selection of traveling shows and in the visual style and care of the stagingwith greater attention to philology which has always distinguished the organization: the intention of the Grup Artistic Furlan is that the 32nd edition of the exhibition is medieval even in the smallest details.

In addition to the artistic direction of the festival, Mantovani will also have the role of director of the Teatro dei Misteri: The organization has not yet revealed the title and theme of this year’s shows.

The other big news – the start of the event a day early, starting on Thursday – foresees a further show to open the dancelinked to the main theme but with the fire as the protagonist element: “Fulgor Noctis“.

Mantovani has been involved in dissemination and historical installations for years

Mantovani is a actor, director and screenwriter. Graduated from the University Theater Center of Perugia, he began his career acting in the third chapter of the Mediaset drama ‘Elisa di Rivombrosa‘ on Canale 5. He has collaborated with numerous Italian theatres, including the Sistine Theatreand has been dealing with for years dissemination and historical displayscovering the roles of director, screenwriter, performer, artistic director and general coordinator.

He was artistic director of II and III edition of Perugia 1416 and has actively participated in events such as the May Day of Assisi, the Gaite Market of Bevagna and the historical procession of the Games of the Doors of Gualdo Tadino.

Mantovani is also the director and screenwriter of program ‘Talia’s tales’ on Rai Playand worked as a host for Discovery Channel and History Channel in television programs. Besides, he was presenter and host at various cultural events and national festivals. For over twenty years he has also dedicated himself to training and teaching as swimming and athletics instructorand it’s theater and cinema teacher in school projects of various levels.

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