by Maurizio Martucci

Electrosmog, impressive numbers recently provided by ARPA Piedmont: since the new national law legalizing the increase in electromagnetic pollution threshold limits came into force, the Piedmont Regional Agency for Environmental Protection has recorded “that the increases on 5G systems are on average 300% of the previously installed power, and those on 4G systems are on average approximately 200% compared to the previously authorized powers.”

The data is provided on the basis of 395 requests received so far for the implementation of mobile telephone systems (226 in the city of Turin alone) and mainly refers to values ​​of “power increases on existing systems, both 4G and 5G: from one investigation of approximately 4000 sources.”

Not only that, because in addition to the power increases, ARPA also communicates that “several changes also concern variations in tilt (inclination angle) of the antennas, and implementation of new systems (especially in the 700 MHz band)”. This is the frequency, highly feared for its health repercussions also because it is capable of penetrating the walls of homes, capable (as expressly written in a Vodafone report) of radiating “particularly far and reaching particularly deep into homes”.

While the scientist Fiorella Belpoggi declared to Fatto.it that “the power density will change, that is, the energy absorbed by our body which will increase by 6 times”, despite the fact that the 120-day process foreseen by law in the which territories could have expressed to the Meloni Government their opposition to the maneuver desired by the minister Adolfo Urso to encourage the 5G lobbythe count of Municipalities continues unabated in which the mayors continue to issue contingent and urgent ordinances in defense of public health or the municipal councils do not stop approving agendas or motions against the repeal of the precautionary 6 V/m in favor of more daring 15 V/m (which, as is known, hides maximum peaks of up to 61 V/m).


To the count of the initial 102 Municipalities and 2 Regions (Emilia-Romagna and Piedmont) officially against, another 12 were added outside the deadline, leading to an overall partial figure of 114 municipalities formally lined up against the 5G tsunami. However, there is one thing: the motions no longer have any institutional weight, the Unified Conference which could have channeled the technorevolt for the prevention of electromagnetic damage ended in stalemate, while – administrative jurisprudence in hand – the union ordinances challenged at the TAR will certainly lose: the option of appealing to the ordinary judge and of the downward regional laws remains, raising the conflict of attribution of State powers in the Constitutional Court.

If the Government increases, the Regions can decrease. If not precisely in these terms, the issue was raised in the Council of the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta: responding to a question from the Rassemblement Valdôtain group, the Regional Councilor for Territory and Environment said that “in the event of a proposed decree , the Regions will be called to represent their position at the State-Regions Conference”. Elusive answer though.

Electrosmog: the Genoa case

In the end, the Genoa case: the request for a hearing from the newly established Liguria Ambiente Salute movement, which also includes the Ligurian doctors of ISDE Italia, has arrived at the City Council. “The raising of the limits to 15 V/m was not preceded by any scientific experimentation demonstrating its harmlessness for human health. Furthermore, it should be noted that this increase represents an increase of more than six times compared to the levels envisaged by the previous legislation, with potentially serious effects given the quadratic nature of the measurement scale.”

The request for a hearing comes the day after the rejection of the minority motion which would have wanted to commit the council of the capital exactly like the other 114 Italian municipalities to the precaution.

“My motion – reports Mattia Crucioli of United for the Constitution – asked that the Municipality and the Mayor undertake to invite the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to re-evaluate this increase: there are in fact numerous reasons for concern, both on the part of the citizens who see radio base stations appear almost daily under one’s homes, but also of authoritative medical and scientific institutions such as the International Agency for Cancer Research, the National Toxicology Program and the Ramazzini Institute of Bologna which denounce the risks to health, above all of children and vulnerable individuals.”

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