The roar of the beloved rally car for the last farewell to Luca Carrara

The roar of the beloved rally car for the last farewell to Luca Carrara
The roar of the beloved rally car for the last farewell to Luca Carrara

Villa d’Adda. A packed church and the roar of his beloved Lancia Delta Martini Racing gave the final farewell to Luca Carrara, the 41-year-old found dead in his workshop on Sunday 16 June in Villa d’Adda. Unfortunately, the help was useless: the wound to the throat that Carrara would have caused with the flexible tool that he was using to cut an iron sheet was too serious.

“The whole community embraces Luca and all his family with affection – said the parish priest Don Fabio Riva -. In recent days a dimension has emerged on which we want to focus, namely that of fatherhood and the love given to one’s children. All the people gathered here have memories and aspects of Luca’s life, from friends to colleagues, who will forever cherish the memory of him and his example. His fullness, his desire and his ambitions will remain alive forever, with his children who will take up the baton.”

The tragedy profoundly affected the entire community. “It would be bad to think of you sadly, it wouldn’t be right – the sister’s words -. Your most vivid memory will remain in the two joys you left us: your children.” Danilo and Nicolò, born from the union with his wife Alessandra. “No one would have wanted to be here today and with each passing day I would like to wake up from this bad nightmare. Your decisive and courageous step will guide us.”

Great emotion during the words pronounced by the father, visibly tried and with his voice broken by despair: “I tried to write two lines as I usually do, but the ballpoint pen didn’t write or didn’t want to write. Luca, you know, tomorrow is my birthday and I would have preferred it to be you who read something to me, but you still gave me another gift: I also became Danilo and Nicolò’s father”. The coffin was then accompanied outside the church, where the 41-year-old’s closest friends started the engine of his beloved car. The body was then transported to the town’s crematorium.

Luca Carrara’s funeral at Villa d’Adda

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