A new defibrillator in the PM garrison in Piazza Guido Monaco in Arezzo

A new defibrillator in the PM garrison in Piazza Guido Monaco in Arezzo
A new defibrillator in the PM garrison in Piazza Guido Monaco in Arezzo

The municipal police station in Piazza Guido Monaco is equipped with an AED semi-automatic defibrillator, a gift from the Arezzo Host Lions club and the Arezzo Mecenate Lions club. Councilor Monica Manneschi received the electro-medical instrument, capable of restoring normal cardiac function in cases of necessity: “first of all, thanks go to those who promoted this initiative which allows us to have a further life-saving station in a central point very popular with students, citizens and tourists, a few steps from the station and the bus terminal. Arezzo confirms itself not only as a supportive and generous community but also as the most cardio-protected city in Italy. It is in the municipal administration’s interest to continue to increase the number of defibrillators to ensure public safety and security.”

“AND the first public defibrillation station in the center – recalls the commander of the PM Aldo Poponcini – a concrete example of community policing. There are 10 agents already trained following specific training.”

“But even those who have not taken any courses – specified Simone Nocentini, director of the 118 center – are authorized to use a defibrillator as long as they call the emergency number 112 in advance. They will receive adequate instructions from an operator and will also protect themselves from a legal”.

The presidents of the Lions clubs involved were present at the delivery: Franco Pagliucoli and Alessia Biasella. “The presence of a municipal police office located in the center – declares the Arezzo Host Lions club president Franco Pagliucoli – offers us the opportunity, as Lions, to be attentive to the needs of the community. Inter-institutional collaboration and valorisation of the principle of subsidiarity ensure the pursuit of the common interest between public and private”. Alessia Biasella, president of Lions Patronage and doctor, highlighted that over 80% of cardiac arrests at home, in public offices, on the streets, at work occur without warning signs: “this is why it is important to contribute to the spread of semi-automatic defibrillators which, exempting from diagnosis, can be used by anyone who has received a simple training activity. In the event of cardiac arrest, intervention in the first few minutes is essential: having an AED defibrillator immediately available can be truly decisive.”

The station is equipped with an alarmed display case, set up to ensure the best temperature conditions and registered in the cartographic database of the Arezzo Operations Center 118. Lto sudden cardiac death every year it affects over 70,000 people in Italy.

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