parking for 3 euros and new taxi area

The countdown for Vasco Rossi’s arrival in Bari has officially started. This evening the Komandante will be engaged in the last of the 7 dates scheduled in Milan, after which the sights will be focused exclusively on the poker of evenings organized at the San Nicola stadium: the first on Tuesday 25 June, followed by the one on the 26th and again the two on the 29th and June 30th.

In view of the four concerts, in the last few hours, the Amtab has announced the activation of the classic paid parking areas surrounding the Torrebella street sports facility: from 7.30am until the evening it will be possible to park the car at the cost of 3 EUR. Single fare also for buses, which however will have to pay 12 euros for the whole day. The novelty for this maxi event, however, is represented by a taxi area which will most likely find space in the avenue between the north and south roundabouts of the stadium: a request made by the taxi drivers themselves which will be satisfied for each of the four dates.

In the next few hours the ordinance to protect public safety will be signed. The eyes of the Local Police, in any case, will be focused above all on illegal sellers of gadgets and on issues related to traffic. “Often those who arrive at the last minute tend to leave their cars near the junctions of the state or provincial roads – Commander Michele Palumbo tells Telebari -. Well, without the slightest doubt, those vehicles will be removed: they create an obstacle to traffic, especially in the outflow phase, and with 50 thousand people in the stadium we cannot afford it. The suggestion is to use public transport or take a nice walk.”

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